MovieChat Forums > Allegiant (2016) Discussion > Just clicked for me that this movie is s...

Just clicked for me that this movie is so implausible and contrived....

I think it was when Dave explains the whole pure and damaged thing to the MC (I don't remember her name and I don't really care) and explains why she's just the specialest little snowflake ever that I began to question just how contrived this entire scenario is.

To begin with, regardless of how society develops, you'll NEVER convince folks to be okay with creating this experimental society out in the middle of nowhere in some idiotic attempt to purify the human genome when you have no reason to believe it'll happen anyway. Aside from getting public approval, who'd fund this ridiculous experiment? Have trees been engineered to grow money?

And the reaction of the people to the coming of...what, the chosen one? Everyone's excited at the coming of what essentially amounts to a reality tv show reject.

I know that if you look at it like this, many movies and stories appear contrived but....the very reasoning behind the creation of this experimental colony just seems like so much quackery. You can sell this idea in novel form because YA novels are expected to have some weird nonsense in it and to many consumers they're consigned to a dark part of bookshops and libraries, but when a movie gets a good enough budget to afford THESE kinds of effects (seriously, the special effects were brilliant) it's something that can be made front and center because you can SEE what the movie looks like visually (it's not easy showing folks what's contained in the pages of a book other than to give you excerpts and plot summaries, but with a movie you can actually SHOW what the movie looks like).

The movie is visually appealing but the story is so contrived....


Also, when you find out that these people on the outside have been watching them as if it's a reality show, and they've got massive surveillance capabilities to monitor the entire city... why the HELL were they allowing Jeanine's Divergent Holocaust to continue?

Erudite and Dauntless team up to locate and exterminate all divergents, and these people just stand by and watch it happen? Every slightly-less-damaged person they sat back and watched Jeanine execute should've been a step back in their mission to create someone genetically pure.

The entire society built in Chicago is counterintuitive to their goal of creating "pure" people. People are forced to conform with strict segregation based on their "damaged" genes, and those who are less-damaged are forced to hide who they are to survive. In what world would that lead to the creation of genetically pure people?

Then there's the fact that this experiment has supposedly been going on for hundreds of years (unless that was a lie that wasn't revealed) but Tris' mother was kidnapped from the desert wasteland when she was a child? So they randomly happened to stumble across a "pure" human in a single generation? So much for the severely damaged human genome that needs a ridiculously elaborate and expensive experiment to find a cure.

The kids born in tents in the apocalyptic wasteland are probably more genetically pure than 90% of the people in Chicago. So what the hell is the point of this sh*t?


I took the whole saved mother memories to be a lie to manipulate her.
