MovieChat Forums > Allegiant (2016) Discussion > Scenes that bothered you

Scenes that bothered you

First off, let me say that this is one of the most boring movies I have seen. Ever. Holy *beep* it was bad...

It was one scene, though, that bothered me the most for some reason. It wasn't the worst, but it was just... wrong.

It is kinda two scenes, first one where Four and that guy no one cares about killed everything ever and crashed. Four said to Guy something like: "Tell her I left you behind". "k, y?" "She'll know I lied". Or something.

Then cut immediately to where Guy came back and talked to Badman and Tris. Badman asked about Four, and Guy said "He left me behind". Then some small talk and Badman leaves. Tris says "You're lying, he wouldn't leave you (she didn't know he helped anyway lol)!" Guy "He said you would know I lied..."

That whole interaction was not necessary at all. The scene should have gone like this:
*Guy looks at Tris*"Four left me behind!" *WIIIINK* Badman: "Oh, all right :D". *Tris does a small nod to Guy*


But nope... they had to set up that Tris is superawesome by knowing people lie, and then showing again 30 seconds later that she is superawesome knowing people lie.

Might have explained it horribly, but I blame the movie for making me tired. Scene could have been done a lot better without treating the audience like retards. Can I say "retard"? This movie was retarded.

Any scenes you disliked, more than other (since all the scenes are bad)?

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


I didn't watch the movie, but the plot point you're describing is made all the more stupid by something else that a lot of critics complained about: How everywhere else in the movie Tris is suddenly a gullible idiot who buys totally into everything David is saying even though she has no reason to trust him and she has shown much better judgment in the past. But conveniently, she immediately sees through Guy (Matthew)'s "wink wink" lie here.

>>>>>Happy dance!


Yup, Tris's character is totally useless and dull in this movie. I know there is a Part 2, so guessing all the boring stupid stuff is in this one, hopefully

Just remembered the "escape over the wall"-scene where there's first a truck with electricity there not hidden at all, and Tris/Four runs to it being superawesome dodging bullets (also, does anyone else think Tris runs... weird?). Then they all reach the top, just standing there like morons. And ofc, who could predict it, the Asian chick gets shot in the back... xD

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


I think it's supposed to be because he showed her that 'memory' of her mums- tho that doesn't really make any sense at all!


You nailed it with this one. It was awful!



Yeah it was awful. Kinda reminded me of the third Hunger Games movie that was completely pointless just because they though it would be nice to split up the last book. They are doing the same with this series.

I have no hope for Part 2. I don't really care that much, as long as the movies are fun to watch (in a bad way, sucky movies can be fun), but this movie was just bad. Almost no entertainment. At all.

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


Oh totally... What made this whole thing even worse is this:

If Matthew (that's the guy's name) tells Tris that Four left him, she goes up to him in secret and tells him he's lying and says she's right -

Doesn't that mean they are left alone ANYWAY?!?
He could have said anything, even that Four is dead and then take her aside and tell her he lied.

Actually no, what makes this whole thing even worse than all of this is that we are supposed to believe that they are all celebs and that people in the streets recognize their faces because they were watched all of their lives... Yet David doesn't have the man power to watch over Four now and see everything that happened?

Heck, only Tris's brother can see him? And if they watched them all of their lives, shouldn't they know their personalities by now and know that Four wouldn't do that?

The whole movie is insanely idiotic. I don't know if I'd call this the most boring movie ever - mostly because the first was a lot more boring than this. This was a lot dumber, but at least stuff happened and there was more action than the first.

Also, I would write about every scene that bothered me, but I don't have enough time for that. The sun will blow up in 6 billion years and I don't know if I'll be able to count them all.

But off the top of my head?

The end where Miles Teller tells what's her name to turn on the gas. When she doesn't, he does it himself. Why on earth didn't he turn on the gas himself in the first place? And if David could control everything, why didn't he just turn on the button himself?
Why even go to her? He didn't expect to be gassed.


I actually didn't remember ANY of the things you wrote about the ending. I had literally deleted it from my mind. So I, sadly enough, watched-skipped the last 20 min and found another idiotic scene;

Near the end, where Tris steals a ship from Badman, Badman says "you can't fly!" and Tris responds with "Watch me." Then she turns on the autopilot.

... what?

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


I found that scene weird too. Who announces their getaway to a bad guy? I mean if she was gonna do it, she should've at least tied him up or knocked him out or done something to get a head start. I also thought when Nita or whatever her name was brought them the guns because she also conveniently hates David was stupid considering there was no indication she was against the crazy stuff they did prior to that moment. Seems to me she would get in a whole lot of trouble with David for aiding Tris and gang inbringing down his diabolical plan. And the worst offender: why do they continue to trust Miles Teller character whose nature seems to be to betray his cohorts over and over again?! They should've let him die in the beginning.

Wildcattin'...Wildcattin'. Pow! I'm gonna go.


The end bothered me the most...

With Peter going back to David's city and demanding a penthouse. David just stabbed Peter in the back, and I don't think Peter is stupid enough to think these guys won't kill him, so why exactly does he think throwing rocks at the high-tech city is a smart thing?


Peter switched sides so quickly your head spins, he should have learned by then he was being watched himself and couldn't be trusted. I was surprised Jeannine didnt kill him on the spot when he came back


I'll bet you his arc, if you can call it that, in the next movie will be the same.

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


I'm thinking that with Peter begging out there in the wasteland he probably figured that since he had been watched all those years, David knew what kind of person he was and he was an ass kisser and thought he would enjoy the spoils by jumping on whatever bandwagon that was in the lead at that particular moment,


the final scene when they cut to the credits with David/jeff Daniels watching her... Very ambiguous. Boring movie.

... End of line.


I also like how the bad guys, who can make 100% camouflaged personal aircrafts and overpowered hovering discs that can neutralise a small army, are incapable of creating a gas that doesn't take 20 minutes to work and is colourless.

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


This bothered me too. Usually boards have threads about favorite scenes, but I came here looking for a "least favorite scenes" thread and there it was, first one.


I'd be surprised if you found a "favourite/best scene"-thread in here xD

When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.


This may seem small but in the beginning when they kill Makhi Pieffer & before they do the camera pans to Triss who's looking at 4. Then pans to another person. I was thinking either say something to each other or stop with all the screen pams to Triss or 4 just staring. The movie was boring.

Then if you need Triss so bad why not just stop the stupid war? Kidnap 4s mom or use a magic potion on her. But no your plan is to wipe everyone's memory?? Overkill.
