7.0 rating???

I watched the movie with no expectation simply because I like John Abraham, but this movie would have been so much better with Vidyut Jamwal since his action is much more convincing.
John was good in a few scenes but like his acting, his action too seemed so wooden it was as if they set up the bad guys to simply fall because he kept poking and touching them in places. Absolute downer in terms of standing up to great action films. This is a huge disappointment. This isn't fit enough to be one of those trashy films we keep watching because of the action. John Abraham nothing against the guy but could have done so much better in terms of fight choreography as there are many big guys who move with such ease and at least attempt to showcase how powerful their punch, kick or move was .. John doesn't. Zero conviction. Appreciate the effort that went into making the movie and the training and stuff, but if you are remaking a Korean movie then please do it right...
Or maybe I am being a bit anal about it but thats just me.. everyone is "inspired" but this was a rip-off. A bad one.

Sorry for wasting your time,
Nothing importnant here except a ranting.
This does not deserve to be rated a 7.0

Good day.
