Dog Breed?

Greetings! Can anyone tell me what kind of dog Oddball is? He is so gorgeous!

If you know that answer, and know dog breeds well, perhaps you can take a shot at this questions as well?

I had a friend who had a dog that looked remarkably like Oddball - but he was much larger. This dog had to weigh well over 100lbs! Any guess what he might have been?

Anyway, thanks to anyone who takes the time!


They mentioned numerous times in the movie about his breed, and it being derived from protecting Italian royalty, hence being named after the region of Italy they were bred in initially.


Oddball is a Maremma, as mentioned in the movie. Your friend's dog sounds like it could be a Newfoundland. Or maybe just a very large Maremma?

*Those without a sense of humour are at the mercy of the rest of us*


More than likely your friend had a Great Pyrenees.
They are often confused with Newfoundlands. Most likely because they are both such lovable big fluffy dogs.


Newfies are all black, Pyrs are 90% white, other then that, often confused
