MovieChat Forums > The Shelter (2017) Discussion > This isn't a Christian film, it has cros...

This isn't a Christian film, it has crosses and a bible in it, and a

message of right and wrong, but I think it leaves Christians scratching their heads over why the director used Christian symbols to try and give the impression that it is biblical, or scriptural.

It was a slow moving, boring, generic, "moral mistakes cause bad results" kind of morality movie, but nothing followed the Christian way of that message, or what the man was put through in the movie.

The writer/director seems to be someone who rejected Christianity, but answers the question of if he is a Christian in interviews, by saying that his parents were/are.


christian or not:slow and boring summens the movie up best!


This has to be one of the weirdest commentary I have seen on a movie. Who cares if it is christian or not? The movie sure was boring enough to be christian.



Granted---who cares if its christian or not? what's the point of this review?
