Norman Rockwell painting?

In the episode with FDR as president, there is a scene where a family is listening to FDR on the radio. I know there are a lot of similar scenes, but this particular one looks like it's a Norman Rockwell painting. I can't find any info on the internet. Did anybody else notice what I'm talking about or does anybody know if it is indeed a painting and not a real picture?

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"


In episodes 5-7, which span FDR's presidency, there are about a dozen still images of people listening to the radio, plus several more shots of motion footage of people doing the same. All of the still images are photographs.

The closest Rockwell painting I could find to any of those photos is a 1947 beer ad he did that reads "Beer Belongs... enjoy it!" in which a group of men are huddled around a radio listening to football while a wife brings in a tray of beers. Another painting he did called "Armchair General" has a man holding a map and a pencil as he listens intently to news of the war.

It seems to me if they were going to use a Rockwell painting, it would have been during the 1941 speech where FDR lays out the four freedoms, which Rockwell later used as the subject for a series of paintings that are among his more famous.


Thanks for your input! I have to go back and look at the episode I mentioned again. I don't know why, but there is something about that picture that actually looks like a Rockwell painting, especially a couple of the faces that look EXACTLY like the stylized faces NR painted. His work is unmistakeable. I DID look on Google images for NR paintings, but didn't find the particular one I mentioned.

I have to mention that I am NOT a NR fan, I've never liked his style, so maybe that's why I was particularly "sensitive" to that one picture in particular. His faces all look too much alike to me and too many of the people in his paintings have that same "long, lanky" build, I guess probably like himself, from what I've seen of HIM.

I do realize there are quite a few pictures in this series of people seated by their radios for the "Fireside Chats", but the one I pointed out is the only one that to me doesn't seem like a real photo.

Thanks again! If you find anything else out, please let me know and I will do the same.

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"


I think you're correct about the Four Freedoms.
