
As a Christian it is funny to watch, I never imagined how people would act as a new Christian (or a pretend Christian) as an adult. It's pretty cool that she would do research, although I think if she just said rarely go to church" or something she could be honest throughout


I thought it was very funny. I love the way it captures some of the cliche's of the Christian community and gently makes fun of how outsiders might view some their "ways". cute idea.


I absolutely loved this movie!


I've already watched this movie twice. lol! Both in 1 month.


I wish Netflix played more Christian movies or even created a Christian category for us.


I feel like most Christian movies get dumped into the black hole of Netflix because they can't get picked up by a big studio. Just remember that movies need conflict and a different "take." That's why it's hard for studios to take them seriously, and why it's hard to get big names to get behind them. It takes a lot of money to do a movie right, and when you get a budget less than a $1,000,000, it's going to look like a student project.

Granted, Christians are huge built-in office, and as we've seen, movies that cater to conservative Christians can make tons of money, even for simple, basic fare, but it's so hard to get them out to market. Not many Hollywood talents want to sacrifice their artistic and creative integrity.


I hear you on that!


I'm not sitting in front of my TV, obviously, but on the computer at least, you can click on "Browse" and see a list of categories. Among them are "Religion and Spirituality." That's how I found this wonderful little movie :)

It's imperfect, and you'd be well served by cross-checking titles here, to see about any objectionable material (the "Parents Guide" just below "Additional Details"), and gathering info from user reviews, and so forth.

As a rule, I've found that the more atheists complain in the boards about the movie, the better it's likely to be for us! :)

By the way, I strongly agree with you that, "I wish Netflix played more Christian movies" ... there's just so much filth out there! Every time I see a movie description that looks intriguing -- it's rated R.


You know, I dated a girl like that once. She knew about my faith right from the get-go, and she didn't pretend, at first, to be of the same faith as I, but did claim to be of some faith. Like the character Gwyneth, she did her research, and she's very intelligent, a quick study. Nevertheless, like the character Paul, I figured out that she was just faking it for me. Quite flattering, actually, albeit in a rather strange way. It was a very awkward, difficult ending for me.

Maybe that's why this little movie resonates so well with me. What if she had really had an epiphany at some point? (Well, then I wouldn't have met my wonderful wife!) She was truly a great girl in every other way, but ... I needed someone to share my faith with, and her "faking" it with me, nodding her head in agreement and smiling, but offering nothing would never have been enough. I needed a sounding board, not an echo chamber :)
