At the end...spoilers

Was she dead?


Nah, she got a call out to the Coast Guard and you could hear a helicopter approaching.

IMDB - Because some Trolls need more than just a bridge


Yeah I got that, but she suddenly went so still and quiet that I wondered if she died for some reason. I don't think she even blinked. Although I haven't beat the movie up like so many in this board, I do admit that the acting is a bit uneven and subtler moments may be hard to read correctly. I watched the end twice trying to figure out if she had suddenly died as the rescue copter made it's way to her.


I can see that interpretation. She was definitely in shock for sure.

IMDB - Because some Trolls need more than just a bridge


Well, she had a rough night : )


My problem was that they crashed the ship into an iceberg. It wasn't totally destroyed. Were they pushing for a sequel? I mean these creatures would just freeze and infect any animal or human that found the ship wreck. I thought they were going to blow up the hull and sink it.


Yeah I had a similar feeling. I thought that it didn't seem like a very effective solution!


I don't get why they didn't get off the boat and let the Russian chick blow it up?


Because the ship was all the old man had since the passing of his wife. It's hard to let something go, if that's all you have left.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


I don't get why they didn't get off the boat and let the Russian chick blow it up?

Because she had them sequestered in a room with a gun on them. Her intention was to leave them on the boat because they were exposed. She had stated she was inoculated so she was okay to leave, but they were going down with the ship.
