why she signed

when he had the gun under her chin he said you will be committing suicide,he would have killed her and made it look like she killed herself which would have made her look weak and couldn't handle the job,she signed to save her reputation and face


I don’t agree. Killing cartel members and corrupt police in Mexico is one thing, but killing an FBI agent, in the US, is totally different. I think that when he put that gun to her chin and told her that she would be committing suicide, he essentially told her, being a federal agent won’t save you, if you don’t shut up and sign the papers, we would shut you up permanently and none would be the wiser. So to me she really did sign just to save her life.

She was very by the book and the whole movie she couldn’t believe what was happening. So that final threat really brought home for her the reality of the situation, that these people were operating in a realm so far removed from the lawful ways she knew, that they’d have no problem killing “one of their own”, so to speak, to reach their objective.

You can't punch ectoplasm…


so we shall agree to disagree


By signing she belied her reputation. Her signature was more than a 'face' saving gesture, it was an act of self preservation born out of fear, intimidation, and duress.


I agree with your assessment of her behavior, but I question if the CIA could get away with executing an FBI agent like that. In that specific situation her boss and her partner knew what she was into, and they would connect the dots and her partner would make a lot of noise internally.

These agencies have a lot of internal loyalties and they go right up these organizations' chain of command and I don't think they would tolerate one of their own getting executed by another intelligence agency. One of the FBI's mandates is counter-intelligence, so it's not like they're fragile little flowers writing parking tickets -- they have the authority, intelligence and legal mandate sufficient to gain retribution.

Plus it exposes the CIA and the political leadership to some really nasty press should any of it come to light. The CIA operating what amounts to a counterinsurgency campaign on the border with military special forces would be a domestic political mess not to mention a diplomatic crisis.


I found one of my old IMDB posts, yay :D

Now I don't claim to be an expert on US intelligence or law enforcement, but from what I remember Alejandro was a "consultant" with the CIA. So they could've just washed their hands of the whole situation by claiming he went rogue, if they even admit that he was working for them to begin with. I don't think that whether or not they could've really gotten way with it is important here, it's the implication that they were willing to risk it that's important. For her at least. But I agree with your points that it could've potentially created a big mess, both domestically and internationally.
