hair = offputting

is it meant to be a joke? i grew up in the 80s, i don't remember anything like this. even when they are eating sushi it's hanging right down in front of his mouth, nobody even mentions it.


Devil-lock bro. .. it's a Misfits thing. When the girl first meets the two dudes in Vermont she assumes they are Misfits fans immediately and tells them a story about seeing them live when she was 11. A few of my boys and I are huge Misfits fans (early mostly although Graves era was cool) and we rocked em back in the day.


The devil-lock is as lame now as it was back in the 80's, just as bad as rats tails etc.


Agreed. Completely lame and anachronistic. No one wore their hair like in the late '80s, and if they did they did they wouldn't have that personality or clothes. It is not a devil lock, by the way. Silly.
