MovieChat Forums > The Last Rescue (2015) Discussion > Better than I thought aside from the awf...

Better than I thought aside from the awful uniform mistakes!

I don't understand how these low budget modern WWII movies continue to screw up authentic weapons, vehicles and uniforms??? There's plenty of authentic re-enactment groups and services who rent uniforms.
I was pleased to see they got some of the weapons right at least. The SS soldiers had KAR 88's, MP40's,Astras and Lugers.
The US soldiers had typical Garands and Colts.

I always give a pass on vehicles because authentic ones are rare, most are in private collections and museums so mock ups are just a reality in these productions.
They used some authentic Willies Jeeps, though I think they were later Korean/Viet Nam era?

As far as the uniforms go the German uniforms were passable, typical Hollywood SS officer and soldier style. The Germans actually did have mixed camouflage patterns in their SS units in France 1944. However the American uniforms were H O R R I B L E! Aside from the standard steel helmets. They looked like crap! I hope an expert who watches this film can chime in on all the inexcusable uniform errors. I may be wrong but I don't think any US army officers wore the marine style baseball cap hat in Europe. The main young soldier character's tunic looked like it came from Russia or something? They all looked horribly fitted too.

Anyway aside from that it was a decent watchable WWII thriller. 5/10


I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I like WWII books, movies, & museums, and it seems that WWII uniforms always had some variances. So it's not necessarily inaccurate when things look different from one movie to the next. The Army nurse uniforms in this movie do look correct to me. Here's an image from the National Archives of nurses in a French field hospital in 1944, and it looks the same:
