MovieChat Forums > Spring (2015) Discussion > Anyone else think.....

Anyone else think.....

.....since Louise changed every 20 years, according to her, and there were a few other clues that led me to think that she was previously the wife of the farmer who died in the car crash? I know it seems unlikely but it seemed to me that the film makers were throwing stuff in there to give a sprinkle of a possibility. To me, anyway. He said she died in a car crash, and when Evan and her were driving in her car she said she had driven off the road a number of years before. The timing seems right. Idk, maybe I'm wrong but I just wanted to see if anyone else had that thought cross their mind while watching.



I thought the same thing - specifically when he was holding the picture of his wife.


After Evan found out about Louise he saw Angelo praying outside the church, it was then that I thought maybe she had been Angelo's wife...when Louise mentioned the driving off the cliff, that kinda solidified it in my mind that she had been his wife. But did she love him? Based on her theories and how the movie ended I believe she might have, which may have been why she drove off the cliff, to somehow kill that love and let her regenerate into someone new.


I thought so too at first, but if you look closely at the woman's picture she seems much older than 20, which is Louise's "maximum" age until she meets Evan.

For me Angelo is a neutral character and an indirect influence on Evan. He is a reminder that "true love" (I hate this concept but in this case..) is linked to harsh pain, but is worth every minute of it if you're willing to jump. In his last scene at the village church both his pain and love are palpable and i believe this is what helps Evan take his final decision (along with the fact that there's nothing for him to go back to in the USA after that phonecall).


I think you are right, or actually what they decided to use that as in the end. I am guessing that they really didn't know how to portray it so they left it a bit open ended so people would draw the conclusion that it might have been his wife too, but really didn't intend that to be the case when they wrote the character of the old man.

This movie wasn't made well enough for us to think they would be implying it is his wife in such a subtle way. They would have beaten it over our heads like they did everything else in this movie including this childish love affair. I think your explanation is correct because it is a "textbook" explanation of why he was in the movie in the first place. The idea and concept of this character is something you might find in a "how to write": a script, or story manual to me more than anything mysterious. lol

Take my AIDS, please!


Yep, I agree 100% with you.


I thought the same thing, the picture shows a much older woman than she would have aged given her current situation. But then we don't know if she always regenerated at the same age.

BTW, how did she inject herself in the years before hypos were invented?? I mean that whole bit with killing the rabbits and boiling their blood, etc. gives her the stem cells she needs? Wow. She should fly to America knock on any drug company door and make a gazillion dollars and never have to worry again. But then I guess we must remember it is a film and not a documentary.


I think the same...


You look at the picture closely, Angelo's wife had the multi color eyes. Contexts possibly weren't as available back then as they are these days. To answer your question though, she was definitely the farmers ex wife!! Pretty subtle but nice plot additive!


Theres only one problem with that thought.
Remember when Evan tries to take a picture of Louise at the restaurant and her face comes out all blurred?

Whatcha think?


Could be the difference in chemical vs. digital photography, maybe because she was near her change?, Or any other reason they would like to say.

fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


Good movies often have such little subplots, which are only hinted on, but not explained to the full extent. This was a good movie. And the old man's wife possibly being that same girl was such a subplot.


Hinted at, but never confirmed.

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


I think she was the farmer's wife too. The two types of fruit on the tree and his comment about the old tree taking from the young. Huh? Huh?


I think that's just a foreshadowing for the big plot twist that Louise is not a mythological being, but instead is a genetic oddity/mutant of sort, who gives rebirth to herself every 20 years with mixed genes from herself and the man who impregnates her. I mean if Angelo was her husband, the whole plot would be like a rip-off of "Let the Right One In", and also diminishes the impact of the finale.

We scare because we care.


I never got the impression that she was the farmer's wife. I thought it acted as an example of "true love" - the farmer never even considered being with another woman because he would never love like that again. In spite of that, he didn't seem unhappy. Evan probably looked at that as inspiration - he just "knew" she was the love of his life, even though it had only been a few days.

I read an interview with Steve Irwin's widow, and she was saying that finding someone else had never really crossed her mind. But she didn't say it in a sad way, more like she was focusing on other parts of her life/her children, because Steve was "the one" and trying to replace him wasn't possible and certainly wasn't a goal.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!
