Should i buy this?

I am a HUGE Reacher fan. Loved the first one. I will keep it short. I have a vast film collection from global classic to guilty pleasures. I totally get why everyone hated Suicide Squad but. For me it was an entertaining guilty pleasure. I want to see Tom Cruise kick ass and just be awesome. Will i enjoy this movie at all? Even as just a decent action flick?


No, not in my opinion. One of the things that struck me about this movie is that Cruise didn't seem like himself. It felt like he was going through the motions. Also, he and Smoulders didn't seem to have any chemistry. She didn't seem like an ideal fit for the role.

But all that is my take on it. What do I know? Good luck!


It's subjective. People seem split. I think if you liked the first, then this is in the same category and you'd like it. It's a little different, just because it's very pro-femenist with a girl that is almost his female equivalent, and a street-smart teenage girl. He's not so much a loner like the first movie. I liked it, but I give a slight edge to the first one.


No. I like those genericy action films too, when theres at least SOME angle that makes them watchable. This has been stripped and diluted down to be the bare bones of a generic film, its just boring. I would honestly rather watch any random 2 episodes of 24.


If you have a few bucks burning a hole in your pocket, then why not?
You can get this on blu-ray used for about $5 to $8.
