MovieChat Forums > Alien: Isolation (2014) Discussion > Alien isolation the very end *spoilers*

Alien isolation the very end *spoilers*

When Ripley is floating in space then we get that shot of light hitting her visor and it looks like she is about to open her eyes. Did anyone else feel that the game should have had a final ending instead of sequel set up?

Believe in yourself and create your own destiny.


I think this ending was meant to be ambiguous enough to where we don't know what/who that light is, exactly, while also setting up almost limitless storylines for a sequel. It's very well documented how bad Colonial Marines was, and this game did very well in erasing as much of that memory as it could.

Due to the amazing success of this game, I have no doubts a sequel will be made, and I hope it's as good as this one. I rate this game very high.

The only thing I worry about is continuity. In the beginning of ALIENS, you see Paul Reiser's Carter tell Ripley that her daughter died at the age of 65 or so, and it happened while Ripley was in hypersleep. So, if they make a sequel to this game, I would stay away from damaging or altering any of the events in ALIENS. Meaning, I would make it a direct sequel and E. Ripley doesn't get found in it, either.


It's open enough that it could go either way. She could simply have been found by a ship, picked up, and taken back to Earth to live out the rest of her days.

Also she could be picked up and forced to go on another mission like her mother was and still fulfill her life like was shown in the movie.


That was in the directors cut of aliens not the theatrical release.

Believe in yourself and create your own destiny.


Which doesn't make it any less valid. It was used in the tv version of Aliens, its the preferred cut of both Cameron and Weaver, as well as most fans and most home video versions market it as the preferred version of the film.


The fact that there even is Amanda Ripley in this game means they are following the Director's Cut with the deleted scene. She isn't even mentioned otherwise in Alien or Aliens


It makes it perfectly non valid.
A films canon goes from the theatrical released version, not a directors cut or fan favourite cut.

There was no daughter in the theatrical cut, they don't have to follow the canon either.
This game is it's own universe using the first film as it's launch pad.

What they do from this point on is completely upto the game developers. If they want to reunite Mother and Daughter in a sequel, they can. As what happened in Aliens (either cut) is completely irrelevant and only the events of the first film are canon within this game.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Interesting point you bring up about canon only stemming from theatrical release, I am curious though why you think this is true (not saying it isn't).


I see where you're coming from, but the way I look at it is that Carter Burke is total scum bag who was willing to day and say anything in order to get a cut of some money. For all we know Burke could have lied about her daughter.


No, Burke was not lying about Amanda. He told Ripley this information before the inquest into the Nostromo. He wouldn't have heard the full details about what happened. Why would he lie? He had no reason to at this point.

The game honestly should have ended with Amanda going back into hypersleep. After how extremely difficult the game is, a decent ending was needed. They also should have not revealed WY's involvement, as she can go back to earth with closure. She can search for her mother, but not going after WY.

This game created unnecessary plot holes & contradictions with Aliens. Not to mention the shotguns doing no damage to the alien, but as we see in Aliens, we know that it does. According to this game, the alien that Hicks shot that was trying to get into the APC should have suffered no effect from the shotgun blast.


I think all the guns in the game had reduced fire power, as to not accidentally decompress the station. That's my theory anyway. But I will say the bolt gun should have had some affect on the Alien other than staggering it.


I think i can explain the ending for myself. Or at least thats what i chose to believe as a big fan of the whole Alien universe. The lights at the end are from a Weyland Yutani ship that finds Amanda, coming to put their hands on the creature, but finding a blown station. And here is what i think the plot of Alien Isolation 2 will be :
Amanda is actually impregnated with an alien and the guys from W-Y put her into surgery to get the creature. A big part of the next game could be on that ship as she manages to escape and eventually blowing it ( so there will be no evidence that the Alien exists ) and fight her way out of it to God knows where ( here is where the developers will put their minds into use). Since we see in the movie Aliens that she returned to Earth and got married, but have no children, i assume that she cant have any children because of the surgery they performed on her to extract the Alien - probably had to damage her ability to get pregnant ( her fertile system, uterus maybe ) in order to get it out.
So thats my thoughts on the ending and the future project.
What do you think about it ?


I don't know about a sequel. I'm not sure the game sold well enough.

I do think the light is from an incoming Weyland-Yutani ship. I fear Amanda will be railroaded by W-Y for the destruction of the Sevastopol, much like her mother would be 42 years later, for the Nostromo.


It's sold about 2 million copies, which is extremely well for a horror game.


Would you really want a sequel? This game felt about 1/3 too long as it was. Too much back tracking and switch flipping, lever pulling, and button pressing.


Before I finished the game, I read how some people were disappointed in the ending. I didn't read what it was until I beat it myself.

I saw it and I thought it is pretty good. I got very good satisfaction from seeing how the chunk of metal crashed into the planet.

The ending is good because it is causing people to speculate and think about what could happen next.

If the ending was something we saw a dozen times which is an alien queen or some kind of super alien it would be a cliche and would not be memorable.

There is more than one option there for any kind of sequels. Whoever shines the light at her could be made into anything. To me it sounded like it wasn't a human ship because of a different type of humming that we heard in all of the game.
Whoever it is they could have picked up chunks of debris, or the ejected lab, or the Torrens ship. Don't forget that Ripley could also have been impregnated by a face hugger. I don't know how long she was out and in front of her we're open eggs. Though no dead face hugger.


That scene with her busting out of the cocoon/nest goo was one of the most irritating parts of the game to me. Here are all these people with busted chests and this tiny woman is the only one to be able to free herself?? It seemed a little off. I get why they did it. It led to a creepy segment of the game. But, seemed odd to make her this totally uber-strong person who could bust right out with no issues while everyone else is dead.


I agree. It irritated me as well. In the game Aliens vs Predator 2 I played as the chest buster and got to press a button to burst out of some victim's chest. That was more realistic than her being an unlikely one to escape from the gooey cocoon. I still think they did it to create a hook that will allow Sega to create a sequel with the premise that she has got one inside of her since there was a dead burster on the ground.


I mean facehugger on the ground.


Oh really? I assumed the dead facehugger was from the dead guy laying on the ground next to where Amanda lands when she pries her way out of the encasing. I'm not sure! They could go that route though!


I kind of wrote that off as the station plunging into the planet caused her cocoon to not be as strong as it normally would be. The room she was in was on fire after all.


Yeah I was wondering if she got impregnated or not.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I hope we start to see more of Yotani because it is always wayland that has been more prominent. It would be nice to see more in to the company as a whole but with aliens in it of course.

"It's game over man, it's game over!!!"

