SCary game glitches

Just curious if anyone else has experienced any of these.

In the level where you're going to find Samuels. At one point you go into the control room where Samuels beat up that Working Joe and he says one line then dies. Well after I find Samuels and I'm on my way back that same Working Joe is alive and well, standing up and talking in the control room. I tried to hit him with the maintenance jack, but it went right through him. He couldn't attack me and I couldn't attack him, but he was totally alive.

At one point I'm inm the lobby and there are 3-4 survivors in there hunting me, so I make some noise then hide in a locker for a while. I hear the alien come but for some reason he won't kill any of the survivors. At one point I just watch him and a survivor walking around the exact same spot, walking right past each other, yet both of them were willing to attack me just fine.

I'm crawling out of a vent and suddenly the alien appears so I use the flamethrower, well the alien decides to flee, right into my vent! I used the entire 500...things on the alien and he just kept trying to get into the vent behind me. Once i ran out of flames he grabbed me and killed me.

Finally Working Joes will just appear in places where they weren't before. This is usually late in the game when I'm going to different locations to collect blueprints and supplies. I took a tram somewhere and when I came back there was a Joe at the tram station. At another point one showed up in the lobby.


no but i had the mother of all glitches, i played the game on normal difficulty before installing the updates on ps4, on level 16 i was going through the fire returning to ricardo and helping the torrens to dock, the game started to fiz as in slow motion for a short time, i went to the elevator where there should have been an update for next goal but it told me to go back to commons as if i went through the wrong elevator, but i didn't. the terrible thing is that i saved, and the game considered the elevator as a saving cut scene, so i lost both saves, and when i return to the elevator to go back to commons the elevator would shut on me and i'm trapped for eternity. i tried to load the game from the beginning of the mission but it didn't work. i wonder now why didn't i try an earlier mission! any way, i made the update and started the whole game again on hard difficulty this time
