Spoilers the end!!

So completed this last night awesome game aside from the last couple of hours, which to me felt like walking around in circles for no other reason than to drag out the game.

Anyways on the final space walk when your releasing the Torrens the aliens show up watching you, my question is since when could the aliens survive in the vacuum of space?? I dont recall them ever living outside of an atmosphere in any of the movies although i could be wrong. It could have been just to add a little extra to those final scenes but even then they were pointless as the player already knows you cant use weapons in the space suit.

Even still by that point in the game i had lost interest and just wanted the game to be over, not that the game was bad it was just those final couple of hours at the end that just made me want to be done with the game rather than finish it. A shame really as the rest of the game was almost perfect hopefully its a lesson learned for the sequal.

So yeah aliens in a vacuum is that something that we've seen before or a mistake by the developers? not that its a big detractor for me just makes me think that the original alien from the nostromo is just floating around space waiting for a ship to grab on to.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature


The alien in the first one could survive space - Ripley had to blast it with the engine if I remember correctly. And the queen was still alive after being blown out the airlock ( you could see her moving and screaming). The queen was falling back to what was left of LV426, I think. It's been about 15 years since I watched them so I could be wrong, though.


I think there is a difference in surviving for a few seconds in space like they do in the movies and being able to move around effortlessly for several minutes in space as they do in this game. They certainly aren't acting like they are in a zero-g environment. You even see one jump with the same speed and agility as if he was on the station.


To be fair: Ripley herself doesn't act like she's in zero-G during her EVA-missions. Granted: Could be due to magnetized boots or something. Maybe the station's artificial gravity extends to those external walkways?

That said: It was kinda silly to see the Xenos hop around on that platform near the end.



at then end of the first one it' showing one movving around in space.

I don;t know how much has detail has been mentioned about their biological make up, but since they are aliens from another world, it's not hard to assume that they have evolved to survive space.


the stinking bitsh have acid for blood!!! i was surprised like you, but with such bitsh anything possible
