MovieChat Forums > Alien: Isolation (2014) Discussion > Alien Isolation vs Dead Space

Alien Isolation vs Dead Space

SO I played Dead Space and now Im playing Alien Isolation...

Wich one is hardest, scarier, best overall?


Dead Space consists mainly of jump scares.

-Weapons, you can harm yourself to the teeth in Dead Space which dilutes the fear factor.

Alien Isolation has a few jump scares, but the main scares (imo) come from the actual atmosphere of the game keeping things tense.

-Weapons, while you can arm yourself to the teeth in Isolation only a select few weapons can fend off the Alien, even then it won't kill it, or keep it away for long. The best thing about it, each time you attack the alien with the flame thrower it takes that bit more flamer fuel to scare it off the next time you encounter it.

Difficulty wise. The only time (imo) Dead Space would offer any form of difficulty is if you're playing Hard Core mode (one death means you have to restart the game, enemies are stronger etc...)

Isolation it really depends on how you handle Alien encounters if you don't play smart with your ammo/thrown weapons you could find yourself severely lacking later in the game when you need them the most.

Best overall, I have to give it to Isolation simply for its atmosphere.

