MovieChat Forums > The Taking (2014) Discussion > Surprisingly good movie

Surprisingly good movie

The plot is better than most 'documentary' style movies.

The acting is solid, the effects are solid. The fact that they didn't focus on smalltalk between the people filming the 'documentary' got past that annoying, cheesy, amaterish feeling that pervades other movies of this type.

It was a well done movie; the woman playing the main role of having alzheimers was fantastic.

6 out of 10.

Not very original, but 'We accept the love we think we deserve.' Brilliant.



Yep, a very nice little diamond in the rough. The acting is definitely a few notches above the caliber we've come to expect from found footage horror flicks (and, in fact, horror movies in general). And while it plays on a lot of the usual possession genre conventions, there were also a lot of neat little touches --- the snakes, the paintings of the approaching entity, Deborah's "transformation" in the cave, etc...

Saw the ending coming from a mile away, but it was an unexpectedly great build-up.


Just finished watching it on Netflix. I'm a horror movie fan even though I don't find most horror films scary, but this one actually was! The only thing that kept it from being too scary was that I recognized the actress who played the daughter, Sarah. The rest of the cast were unknown to me so that made it feel more "real."
