MovieChat Forums > The Taking (2014) Discussion > why so many good reviews

why so many good reviews

I dont know what film the other people were watching but this was just another one of those awful found footage films. The acting was absolute dier, the actorsruvbish the sstory line was ok but ive seen betterr daytime movies honestly don't waste your time with this one unless your a fan of these crap movies.


Amen. Such a waste of time.


I disagree with, well, all of those points. However, since there's a general cynicism against found footage movies these days, I think it would make more sense if the people that don't like them would just, y'know, not watch them. It's probably just not your thing.

All your board are belong to Kestrel


I still like found footage movies, probably more than the general consensus, and found it to an original take in the genre. I also adored Jill Larson's acting. Having worked with Alzheimer/dementia patients before, she did a great job. I enjoyed the storyline and thought it was better than your normal found footage of people running around in the woods being chased by ghosts or killers.

It's not the greatest thing ever made mind you, but for the genre I feel it holds up very well. It sounds as if you're tired of found footage in general, and if that's the case, just stop watching them lol.


Paranomal activity and Blair witch were the only ff movies i seen and were scary every other one like it has failed. I think people just seen these movies and thought wow i can do that and failed miserably because it's already been done and have added nothing new. Not even anything scary or chilling. My daughter scares me more walking to the toilet at night in the dark like a ninja.
