MovieChat Forums > The Taking (2014) Discussion > No oversight of a "PhD student" and othe...

No oversight of a "PhD student" and other incompetent adults

I don't know what movie everyone else was watching, there was some creepy imagery, but otherwise not scary or that good at all. I can get down with movies expecting suspension of disbelief, just not when it makes me laugh out loud while watching..

Several things:

I cannot remember if they specified what program "PhD student" Mia was making the film for- maybe it was for a medical doctorate, or maybe just an unspecified PhD possibly related to film making?

Either way - what possible doctorate program in an institution of higher learning could Mia have been in that would have approved that project at all? (so no monitoring or supervising from anyone from Mia's program.... and then the very clear issues of consent from a mentally-unstable elderly patient pressured for financial reasons, after she clearly expressed she was not comfortable and did not want to participate..)

"Multiple Personality Disorder" has been "Dissociative Identity Disorder" for over 20 years now, at least use the proper terms and then explain to the layman what you mean..

Just go ahead and give the not-at-all-confident-or-experienced-film-student/definitely-not-a-medical-professional the syringe to administer medical care, sure that will work out great.

Hospital without sensors/alarms for the children's wing? (also, what was with the little girl's hair? would the actress have looked otherwise too healthy if they removed it entirely lol?)

Police Officers searching the conveniently present "abandoned wing" of the hospital, with one flashlight and letting the civilians go first after the mentally unstable woman with a recent history of violence...

I know its a movie, and I know they were in the middle of no where - BUT even in the middle of no where, back woods Virginia, the entire adult community cannot be that incompetent...

The early interruptions pretending to be a "grounded medical documentary" felt forced and poorly delivered and only took away from the atmosphere it was trying to create.
And if its "found footage" of an aborted documentary, who bothered to go back and add medical graphics?
(If they "found" it and then compiled the footage to feature the possession, still the same question - why bother with the medical graphics explaining Alzheimer's?)

(P.S. of course POC and indigenous groups = creepy voodoo magic hand waving just because lol)
