MovieChat Forums > The Taking (2014) Discussion > Are some of you people trying to promote...

Are some of you people trying to promote this movie?

Either some of you worked on the set and are trying to promote it, or you just have no idea what a really bad movie is when you see it.

This movie was horrible. FF movies tend to suck, but this movie made this genre look even worse. Seems every single one has to make sure it find excuses to walk in pitch-black areas with a light on a camera hoping to find something scary in the dark. This movie couldn't even do that right.

Nothing scary, nothing interesting, and nothing worth mentioning. The story was weak. The characters were okay. The best one was Gavin and he was the only one smart enough to leave this snooze-fest of a movie.

The only scene that was remotely interesting was at the end, and I waited 1hr and 30min through junk to see that.


I didn't find it particularly unique or exhilarating, but it was skillfully made and well-acted. I found the portrayal of Alzheimer's victims to be very convincing, and how it affected family members to be just as believable. The actual horror story was run-of-the-mill, but again, well enough done to be enjoyable.
All your board are belong to Kestrel


I agree with you. It won't win any award as of all of these found footage movies but it was damn scary and it was way better than "Blair Witch" (most non scary movie ever) and those paranormal activity pieces of garbage. I actually looked away at a few parts. I think also because it was a relatively unknown movie with no promotion and it was really scary and that puts it in the hidden gem horror or found footage genre. When a film comes out or is discovered by the masses on Netflix and not a big film that's mass openings in theaters it just makes it that much better IMO



but it was skillfully made

Someone holding a shaky cam filming a woman dying of Alzheimer's is skillful? If your sick mother was being filmed and the camera man didn't even bring proper lighting you would find that skillful?

Why wouldn't you question his lack of professional filming supplies? Even if the mother is unaware and they are being sneaky (God knows why you would do that to your mom) it is still odd.

I respect that these guys made the film and worked really hard on it but the shaky cam is just a really bad choice when doing a "documentary".

I am Luxurious


Better than another cookie cutter, extremely predictable superhero/comic book movie. And better than the horror fluff that is being pumped out of Hollywood.

The acting was top notch, the portrayal of Alzheimer's/dementia patients was spot on. There was an actual storyline involved rather than some kids running around in the woods with a camera being chased by a ghost or killer.

If you were bored by it, I'd just chalk it up to you having different tastes than some other people rather than trying to make yourself feel better by attempting to belittle others.


What a weird time to choose to needlessly criticise superhero movies.


Yea. In a year of amazing superhero (namely Marvel) films I wouldn't go that far. It was good for "found footage" but not even in the same breaths as the X-Men and Captain America Etc.. Films. They were all fantastic this year. Every one of them and they were reboots for the most part and not at all predictable. I'm only saying this was a good horror flick for an unknown..



That's fine if you like them, I know lots of people who do. I'm extremely tired of them though, and find them boring. Give me an indie over Marvel any day of the week.

I just used it as an example of something I'm tired of, because the OP stated that this was just another bad FF movie (that he states he already doesn't care for). If he is tired of them, or never liked them to begin with, why would you continue to submit yourself to them? I got tired of superhero movies years I stopped watching them. Same with most Hollywood produced horror films.


"Give me an indie over Marvel any day of the week."



Let's just say there are a lot of shills on IMDB these days and leave it at that. How this has such a high rating, I have no clue.

Terrible, overlong movie that needed a lot of editing and a stronger premise. It turned into a giant mess halfway through, the last third is a joke, and the ending is idiotic.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


I don't work in film, and I thought it was scary as hell.


So sick of the ones who always start throwing out accusations of everyone being shills for a horror movie(due to working or being attached to said movie)just because we have a different opinion than they do.

Ridiculous, same old bull$hit thrown out when they find people who like or enjoy a horror movie that they, personally don't like.


Different opinions are cool, but some movies are so bad that it's defies belief that anyone could like them. This is one of those movies. It offered nothing scary or interesting.


This was trash.


That's probably what it is. That's a much more reasonable suggestion than to say that your taste in movies isn't THE taste in movies. Most people that have seen this movie, have enjoyed it at the very least. Sometimes we fall into the minority, big guy. This was just your turn.


I'll never understand the people that will insult you for liking a movie that they don't like. There are numerous films that I personally believe are crap but I will NEVER put down someone else for liking it, that's just malicious intent that's completely unfounded. There's no need for that. If you didn't appreciate the movie then just don't watch it. Simple, right?



I loved it, didn't work or even know of it until i saw it. See my self as a pretty educated person when it comes to movies, AND i have family experience with dementia. So to finish off, *beep* you duche!
