MovieChat Forums > The Taking (2014) Discussion > So just to clarify....*major spoilers*

So just to clarify....*major spoilers*


So what is possessing Deborah is the spirit of the evil man she killed? Or the demon? Both?

All the things they showed: growling, demonic laughter, jumping on it was both?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I'd say both, to a degree. My take on it was that the evil man was involved with the demon, possibly for an incredibly long time. It's possible that he'd previously found a way to possess a male child at some point in time, although it seems equally likely that this might have been his first trip around the farm. While trying to go through the ritual the doctor had his body/soul invaded by the demon. When he goes into Deborah he is also taking the demon along.


Thank you. That explanation that its BOTH the demon & the evil man makes sense.

One last question, if you do not mind:

Are we to assume that the evil man succeeded in getting his 5 victims, thus completing the ceremony for immortality?
Because the little girl with cancer gets complete remission, but this is obviously because she is possessed by....the evil man/demon.

My question is: Did he get his 5th victim (who was it??) or did he just manage to possess the little girl & use her to continue his *quest*?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


My interpretation of the end is
when the mother/demon is swallowing the girls head, it jumped and possessed the girl, before Sarah burned his body. This is emphasized by two things, the fact that they girl states that her plans are secret and the way the camera honed in on the girl's eyes. Let's hope they don't make a sequel. The Taking of DL stands well on it's own.

Bored now.


True, he did somehow possess her.
But I thought Henri needed x-amount of victims in order to do this.
Deborah was supposed to be Victim #5, but she lived.

Perhaps if Henri had been able to kill Deborah, he would have come back AS his original form?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


There was no demon just the guy spirit


Yes there was.
Watching it again, and reading the tips up here, I realized the film made it clear there was a demon *along for the ride* with Henri.

Deborah showed several classic signs of possession by a demon, one of which is speaking in several voices at once, another is showing unusual abilities (levitating onto a counter) etc. etc.

If she only had another human spirit inside her, she would not have been able to do those things, had no special powers.

Lastly, we even SEE the demon at the end of the the cavern, when it attacks the cancer girl.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


What I don't get is how the ritual was able to cure the little girl of cancer when she did not die. Remember, we were told the victim had to be on her first period & then the person performing it would be cured. That's not only how it didn't play out, but the body of the man who wanted Deborah to perform the ritual was burned, lifting the possession. The ending didn't follow the rules set by the movie.


What I don't get is how the ritual was able to cure the little girl of cancer when she did not die. Remember, we were told the victim had to be on her first period & then the person performing it would be cured. That's not only how it didn't play out, but the body of the man who wanted Deborah to perform the ritual was burned, lifting the possession. The ending didn't follow the rules set by the movie.

The way I see it, there are two possibilities.

1. The spirit had already left Desjardins and Deborah behind and possessed Cara by the time the body was burned, so the burning didn't matter to it. Desjardins' effort failed, and he died (again) with his body, but the spirit "lived" on in the girl. She's a case of ordinary (LOL so to speak) demonic possession now.


2. The burning was never important in terms of the possession, except that the spirit + Desjardins needed another body to occupy. That's why they extinguished the fire in the fireplace but let it burn in the mine - they already had their new host. (In the anthropologist's story, after all, it wasn't the child whose body was burned who was possessed; the relevance to the Desjardins situation isn't definite.) In this scenario, Desjardins "lives" on to continue his quest for the fifth victim, which is the secret plan Cara mentions. Cara's cure has nothing to do with Desjardin's quest; it is accomplished by demonic power alone for the purpose of allowing the devilish pair to have a living body to occupy.

I think either is possible. The first is simpler, but the second continues the Desjardins role in case they want to carry that theme on in a sequel.
