MovieChat Forums > The Forest (2016) Discussion > What is wrong with so many people here?

What is wrong with so many people here?

The movie was a bad movie. A cheap horror movie. That much I get. If everyone was complaining on the quality of the movie/acting what not I understand. The movie was just plain bad. But why is everyone calling this movie racist?

White washing is a thing and certainly is a big issue, but this movie is not an example of this. Just because the movie takes place in Japan does not mean that the leads have to be Asian. That would be like saying if a movie takes place in America everyone has to American, which is kind of the mentality people who white wash does have. The roles were two white girls, so they casted two white girls. End of story.

I agree. If they had casted two asians as the lead it would've been refreshing and would have definitely helped to combat the white washing issues this nation has. It would've also been nice if they touched about important social issues such as suicide. But why are people faulting the movie for not doing so? It's a cheap horror movie, why are we holding it to some higher standard? This movie was not aiming to do something great. It just wanted to make a quick buck. And ultimately it was decided that a white female lead with a plot that is not that deep would make the easiest buck.


The movie ending is what killed it. I gave this flick a 3. Up until the last 10 minutes I was into it then that BS that made zero sense happened. Our theater was full. After you can see people physical scratching their heads in disappointment.


What exactly made no sense?
The fact she killed herself trying to cut away something that wasn't there?

or that she came back as an angry spirit?(which was explained earlier by a child that the people come back different....angry)


Yup, you nailed it. Made no sense. I'm going to imagine to cut my dad, who really isn't there, fingers off only to really cut my wrist. The of course not even notice until she is long gone. And of course she dies right there as soon as she notices. And of course very little blood was there.

Was Aiden a bad guy or not? I'm guessing he wasn't but hell, I don;t know cuz he did look a little nutty there. Bi polar at best.

The angry spirit. SMH.[spoiler]

Totally disappointment.


1) The forest was *beep* with her mind, that's why she didn't notice

2) all the Aiden looking shifty was a red herring for the benefit of the audience. He was just a guy.

3) Cheap scare.

Weak movie. Boring movie. Bad movie.

I don't know about the depiction of Japanese culture, it did seem a little... thin and lazy, but beyond that I don't know.


That girl would have known immediately if she cut her beeping wrist open. She would have been in some serious pain. Blood would have spewed out. She would't have gotten far in the forest. Come on man, get your crap together. That made no sense.

Aiden was just a guy? Give me a break. The director messed with our heads the entire movie. You can't sit there and tell me he was just a normal dude. The guy had issues, big-time!

More like no scare.

We do agree the movie suck arse.


I'm not arguing they did a good job, but what I posted was what they were going for.


Dude you missed like the whole thing about the ending. She didn't cut herself and then ran out in the forest and realized what she did and died. She died right there on the stairs in the cabin where she cut her wrist due to the hallucination. Everything after her cutting, running out in the forrest again and all, was her "ghost" or what ever you want to call it. When the school girl nods at her wrist and she sees it and realises, she realises that she is already dead.


Well, Jack.

I am afraid to tell you, when someone cut her/his wrist you don't feel pain.
First is a cold feeling, and then the arm and hand feel like prickling and tingle. After that the arm feel like asleep. And more after you start to feel week, enough to cannot move.

Maybe if it is something more deep, like cutting the hand could be pain, some serious pain, but cutting the wrist is not.
If you see the scene well... Jess felt the cut in that moment.

Sara didn't run on the forest, she was just hallutinating that, it wasn't real... but at the same time it was Jess feeling her close ("the noise you can't explain")
And I can agree with you about doubts on Aiden, but I didn't thought he was some sort of villain, he could be messed up, but Sara's imagination give the chance to think maybe he is not what it looks like.

Sorry for my english, but I hope you understand my point.



Lol, I'm afraid to tell you that cutting your wrist is extremely painful. I've done it, and the healing process has been even more painful. And it will take years before the nerves regenerate enough to restore any sort of normality to my grip and hand strength. What you see in the movies is pure fiction. If a person is determined to commit suicide, I suggest a much more painless method. Better yet, don't do it at all.


Hello, Decker187
I've done it too... and what I wrote above was my own expierience. Both wrists, actually.
I will not say when or why, just giving a perspective here.
That's why I posted that reply.
I know how many time take to restore the nerves.
But obviusly, your expierience with pain at the moment of cutting was completely different to mine, and that is probably because your pain threshold is different to mine.

reply sounds like you cut your wrists in the wrong direction. You do not cut them horizontally. If you do that, you WILL cause ligament and nerve damage. You need to cut it vertically. Find the pulsing artery and cut into it. Little to no damage should be done to your wrist. Hollywood always shows it incorrectly.

However, I would hope that you never try again.


It was a hallucination, remember the forest can mess with her mind. It reminded me a lot of The Lovely Bones (amazing movie, definitely recommend) where she is in the secret room and gets out only to know later that she never even exited the room and actually was killed by the main antagonist.

Aiden was a good guy but remember, the forest most likely did some *beep* Obviously in the run down cabin, and when it came to the phone, the forest probably caused he to see that when the picture wasnt even there. In the cabin, you hear him say that Jess is in there but after he gets stabbed and is on the verge of death he clearly says that she wasnt in there.


Sara has cut her wrist and sat down on a stair of the basement. She's tayed there bleeding to death. The Sara we see running, I'm pretty sure it's her soul. At some point we see that that a couple of meters away from each other and Sara i screaming ''Jess'' Jess was not turning back and running away from Sara because Sara was a scary ghost now !! And the ghosts Sara was seing was the welcome committee. The Sara that have been taken by the her feet was her soul going to hell.

What I did not like is that there was a jump of jump scare. The little girl in the cave was scary !!! I was like ''No !! Don't want to see that before going to sleep'' !!!! lol


Nope, made perfect sense. It is called a hallucination, ever heard of that word?

It basically means she saw and experienced something that wasn't there, but real to her.


to me Aiden just acted very annoyed and pissed off.

he keeps trying to help this chick, he gets her a guide, he stays the night to help her.... then she starts to go psycho on him, accuses him of lying, yells at him, doesnt trust him

would YOU have acted any different? he came off as rude or suspicious just because look at it from HIS point of view. this girl starts to treat him like crap and then runs away from him and still treats him bad after he saved her..


Asian characters wouldn't have made sense in the context of the film. The characters had to be foreigners who didn't believe in the power of Aokigahara forest.

This film is bad but not an example of white washing.

If you want an example of white washing look no further than "Gods of Egypt" or "Exodus"


you sir cannot say what is good or bad to the people... even Barrack Obama cannot do that... so except if you are some kind of a god and we all know it does not exist, well, you can't say what's bad/good to theses people !

Last Movies: - The Forest: 7/10
-The Revenant: 9/10
- Sisters: 7,5/10
- Joy: 3/10


I am god and im going to tell you this was a good movie. Deal with it. Also worship.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


The forest took them



I disagree. I thought it was a good, solid film. 6.5/10.

That said, I think you picked the wrong movie to go all SJW on. This is a simple horror film, 12 years a slave would be a better place to whine about your personal insecurities.


"white washing" with white girls ... lol - clean?



Only answer to why its bad it is "PG-13" and you may say not all PG-13 horror is not this bad but I say even if it isn't this bad, but "Troll" movies are worse. They are PG-13 and mostly of the PG-13 horror are tame and lame stuff. They cut out so much that it seems that it is more a thriller than the horror genre and people keeps saying gore does not make it scary. Well, it is part of the disgust that makes it scary. PG-13 mostly holds out that disgust.

Sorry, to piss people off but real horror fans are into the gore. Only ones that love PG-13 over the R and Unrated are wannabe horror fans that claim to be ones. Horror from the first gore horror movie is and always will be the best kind of horror movies around. People that like PG, PG-13 or Found Footage, are the wannabe horror fans that try to act like they know what horror movies are. There are so many Thrillers out that compare to those that even some are even scarier than the PG, PG-13 and Found Footage horror movies.

To name a movie that is scarier and better is, Identity 2003.

Plus, I rather watch anything American horror over some over seas caption filled movie that you have to read like a book instead of watching the film because they can't convert to American language. I will never like any horror movie with captions at all, no matter how rude you are to me about it. It will never make me like the captions that are so stupid in the first place to put in a movie.

I rather watch it with not understanding the language than try to read the bottom of the screen and miss the whole movie because of it. I rather read a book than read a screen with text. Not saying this movie is exactly this way.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.



American horror is terrible. Slasher flicks are not my thing. I don't mind gore but slashers are boring and predictable. I'd take a scary foreign ghost over a lame American psychopath any day.

'I rather watch it with not understanding the language than try to read the bottom of the screen and miss the whole movie because of it.'

This is why you don't enjoy supernatural/paranormal horror. Most of them build on story line and you have to pay attention. That's what makes it scary. Gory American horror is all slash, slash, slash. Can't miss much there even if there isn't dialogue in the entire film.



Right on to that bro! I've been saying that exact same thing to my friends for years. Rather read a book.
