My prediction

I predict... that a lot of people on Stormfront and Breitbart and World Net Daily and so on are going to rant about this movie. I predict that they shall utilize the phrases: "cultural Marxism" and "white genocide" and "Jew-controlled Hollywood". I predict that they shall vow to boycott this movie on Twitter. I predict that said boycott shall not actually accomplish anything. Yup, that's what's going to happen.


At least the good people on Stormfront don't suffer from the ideological abnormality called color-blindness, even though they're wrongly being labeled racists around the clock.

Anyway, no point in boycotting this or any other similar movie, and everyone knows this all too well. People will go see the movies they want, so anyone with half a brain knows better than to stir things up that way.

Nice trolling though.


Stormfront is for what supremacists,and hell, yeah, they're racist as fck. How the hell could you say they're not? Are you seriously crazy? That's what they're always been known for being. Don't make excuses for them or try to make them look good---they're nothing but racist scum and always shave been. And, yeah, they're gonna hate this film, like they hate anything with black folks, so fck them.


Turns out the film has not set the world on fire, this will sit in the BBCs schedules for the next decade as a Sunday afternoon schedule fill, when ITV shows Bowls and Darts.


If people on Stormfront are not racist then there is no such thing as a racist. It is literally a white supremacist website.


Pretty sure nearly everybody on Stormfront is a White Separatist, not a White Supremacist. And if you are in to that, I suggest the Daily Stormer (one of the best written news sites on the web) bulitin board rather than the Stormfront forums.



Oh for sure.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
