MovieChat Forums > A United Kingdom (2017) Discussion > I thought David refuses to play stereoty...

I thought David refuses to play stereotypical black male roles?

This is as stereotypical as you get. What next, a film where he's a rapper, athlete or crack pushing thug?

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people post, I just watch their avatars.


maybe he changed his mind.


He has a white wife and complained about the Oscars too white. Can't get more stereo typical


His having a white wife has nothing to do with racial exclusion.

Where are the Asian characters DC CW? #MoreAsians


How is this a stereotypical role?


How is a black actor plays a black character stereotypical?

#The X-Files #Breaking Bad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #Twin Peaks


lol what? how is the this role strereotypical. you sound dumb and racist.


so I don't like your opinion, you are a racist


I don't like your opinion, you are a racist
Interesting logic you have there. Kind of a 

56 days until the Dead rise



Oh,shut up,troll. There is nothing stereotypical about him playing an African prince. This especially sounds equally stupid from someone who hasn't even bothered to find out what the film is actually about. And,yes, he doesn't do stereotypical roles and has been quite vocal about doing so. You sound like you don't understand what the word "stereotype" means, either.




Well said. I guess the trolls are out in force on these boards especially, sadly.


GTFOH, you dunce. You're going to go on a thread someone makes expressing their opinion and call them a troll? You're the very definition of a troll. You don't have to agree with my opinion, but to call me a troll is trolling. SMH

The film is about a black person who marries a white person at a time when such a union was uncommon, illegal, frowned upon..whatever. Padded out with a few details to make it slightly different. Along with films about slavery and the first black person to do xyz, this is another boring plot.

You're just one of those dunces who get excited whenever you see a film about a black person no matter how lame it is and believes they deserve an oscar. Now go and enjoy your Tyler Perry.


Except that you said it more like it was a fact rather than an opinion.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


The film is about a black person who marries a white person at a time when such a union was uncommon, illegal, frowned upon..whatever. Padded out with a few details to make it slightly different.

So... by your own admission, he is playing a black man in an uncommon situation. Yet you say its a stereotypical role? (An interracial marriage between an African king and a white English secretary is a stereotype???) Given your contradiction there, it's hard to accept that you're not trolling this board.


And his character is showed like an attractive man that fall in love with a white woman. Probably the movie will show the struggles that he and his wife had to face to construct their love story. And probably they're happy, because they had four children, he and one of his sons are elected presidents of Botswana and today they're bured one next to other. I don't think that is a stereotypical black male role, stories like this deserve to be published.


Troll much? He's a head of state.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
