MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Discussion > Logan Director BLASTS terrible MCU !

Logan Director BLASTS terrible MCU !

"Part of the way I think these films stop being fresh (these films being franchise comic book movies) is when you find yourself making essentially a television series with $200 million episodes where you’re literally just picking up where the last one left off and you’re making a mini-series. Then, it’s impossible to do something fresh. Meaning essentially you’re just a director on the 14th episode of a television show picking up where the last one left off and people are going to be really startled by any discontinuity or changes."

Finally someone speaks out on how terrible the Marvel Comedic Universe is!


So in other words, the guy hates the idea of a larger narrative instead of everything always being wrapped up in a neat little package. He hates worldbuilding and serialized storytelling.

Thank god this guy never got anywhere near Star Wars. We'd have one movie that's be it.


He hates how ashamed the MCU is of the comics.


He is correct in the eyes of many though. The film that has managed to dodge this the most recently was the film that didn't take place on earth (guardians of the galaxy). There is a problem with MCU in many peoples eyes at the moment in that it simply feels to sameish far to often and there are restrictions from doing what they are.

I would say that claiming he is blasting the MCU is a bit hyperbolic. He didn't seem to say or suggest that they where bad films in any way, this isn't Suicide Squads director shouting "*beep* marvel" before releasing a steaming turd. He just pointed out something he saw as a problem or wasn't a fan of within that series of films.


He is correct in the eyes of many though. The film that has managed to dodge this the most recently was the film that didn't take place on earth (guardians of the galaxy). There is a problem with MCU in many peoples eyes at the moment in that it simply feels to sameish far to often and there are restrictions from doing what they are.

"Same" ish how exactly? Because they put the extra effort in to make the movies have some commonality between them?


The MCU movies suck.


If you hate comic books.


Disney hates comic books which is why they turned the Ancient one into a woman.


And every change Fox makes to it's Fox-Men characters is ok?


If they made the Ancient One the racist stereotype he was, you'd just be complaining how racist MCU is.


That said, I refuse to believe that the only way to make a creative superhero film is to ignore continuity.

I liked this part from article.


He's right you know.


The only way to make a creative superhero film is to put creativity first.




I agree. James Gunn only directer in my opinion that got MCU's formula right. Not noticeable in GOTG.


James Gunn is responsible for dumbing down the formula to the point of intellectually offensive. Joss Wheedon had the formula locked down in Avengers 1. GOTG is one of the worst movies in history, the movie had no screenplay.


GOTG is one of the worst movies in history, the movie had no screenplay.

I'm sorry, but anyone who gives 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' 6/10 has no right to say things like that.


my brain makes me think for myself instead of jumping on a hate bandwagon. at the center of breaking dawn is a girl who is faced with the choice of abortion or death. the themes of the movie was not dumbed down or turned into comedy. at the centre of mcu movies is mindless jokes, one dimensional villains, and lots of meaningless cgi explosions.


at the center of breaking dawn is a girl who is faced with the choice of abortion or death.

And it had some of the sh!ttiest executions for such film. The fact that they spent $110 million to make an entire film just about that along with horrible acting and lousy CGI doesn't help the matter either.


The fact that you consider the horrible twilight movies above MCU is proof that you really shouldn't be talking about what makes a good movie.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo



GOTG is one of the worst movies in history, the movie had no screenplay.

Professional writers beg to differ, since the film was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the WGA Awards two years ago.


Well, what do you expect from a guy who thinks 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' is better?


Well, I actually happen to like Part I, but only because Bill Condon was smart enough to realize the whole saga is ridiculous (which is more than I can say for question7).


Honestly, I don't blame Condon since he probably tried his best to save the series that was beyond saving.


I'm not going to directly address what James Mangold is talking about here and fixate on something else instead; the term film continuity.

Continuity in film is suppose to mean something entirely different. It's suppose to mean when you cut away from a shot, and then return to that shot, that everything is the same as it was the last time you saw it. As in the cigarette that was burning is the same length as it was the last time you saw it a few seconds ago. Or the clock on the wall reads the same time as it did in the shot a few seconds previous.

In short everything is suppose to be the way it was during the last shot when you cut back to it. It's the Script Supervisor's job to ensure the continuity of a scene in a movie.

It is not suppose to refer to what happened in a movie that was released 3 years prior to the one in question. I think at this stage we should come up with a new term for that, like "inter-connectivity", rather than calling it continuity, because that term is being used totally incorrectly.


So you hate that there's a larger narrative at work and not every movie is wrapped up in a neat little package.


Continuity is continuity. Just like you tried to make it small by going from shot to shot, you can also make it film to film, scene to scene. If Singer can't handle making a series of movies without screwing up the series then... All it takes is to rewatch a movie or movies that came before it. If he is going to refer to something that happened before then he should make a point to review it. Or at least don't be so specific on things that he can't be specific about. The biggest thing people go to is the ages of Erik and Charles when they met. Don't give the age in case you want to go back and make that movie (in which they did). Be vague about it. "When I was a younger man." Or something along those lines.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


There is no such thing as continuity between films, it doesn't exist. Not only can you change elements between films, you can even change ACTORS! There is no such thing as continuity between films.

We either need to invent a new term for it if it's going to bother being a thing, or just drop the notion altogether.


We aren't talking about changing actors or a vase being in a different spot from shot to shot. We are talking story. It was always about the story.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


That is not film continuity though, and that's my point. By it's very definition continuity is not what you're suggesting it means. There is no such thing as continuity, by it's definition, between movies. There needs to be a new term to describe the quality that you're talking about.

We aren't talking about changing actors or a vase being in a different spot from shot to shot. We are talking story. It was always about the story.

If Singer can't handle making a series of movies without screwing up the series then... All it takes is to rewatch a movie or movies that came before it. If he is going to refer to something that happened before then he should make a point to review it. Or at least don't be so specific on things that he can't be specific about. The biggest thing people go to is the ages of Erik and Charles when they met. Don't give the age in case you want to go back and make that movie (in which they did). Be vague about it. "When I was a younger man." Or something along those lines.

Okay let's change the subject and discuss what you're talking about, because you aren't talking about continuity in film. Let's call it film inter-connectivity for now.

Do you really think that some slight difference in Charles and Erik's age has ANY affect on story? Any at all? Or do you think that you're wallowing in the most trivial of minutiae which has no bearing on anything whatsoever?

I'll answer that for you; it has no bearing on anything whatsoever. You can fuss and muss about it all you want, but if it has no effect on the story, then it doesn't matter in the slightest. I'd say that even Annie Wilkes made better points about film inter-connectivity, and she was fictional, and utterly insane;


Nah, we are calling it what it is: continuity. You can try to change what it is called to try and deflect what it actually is, but we all know.

Do you really think that some slight difference in Charles and Erik's age has ANY affect on story? Any at all? Or do you think that you're wallowing in the most trivial of minutiae which has no bearing on anything whatsoever?
Actually, yes. There is a big difference between a person that is 17 and a person that is 30. And do you know how they could have fixed this error? Singer not apologizing for the goof. He should have said Xavier was just telling Logan a story. That the age didn't matter. Xavier is a shady character (that's a good thing because he was in the comics) and telling Logan something to get him on his side is not out of character.

Okay think about it like this. Will you watch X-men movies at home spaced out 3 years? Or would you watch them back to back if you can? Now, if you watch X-men and then First Class, there would be glaring errors between the two movies. Again, this is a series of movies. Series continuity only doesn't matter when it is an anthology type series (horror movies also). Old James Bond movies are kinda anthology, also. X-men movies are not like that. They are a series of closely connected movies and needs that continuity between them. When the people making the movies don't spend the time to pay attention to what they are doing, why should we?

I'd say that even Annie Wilkes made better points about film inter-connectivity, and she was fictional, and utterly insane;

You do know there is a person that wrote the lines that she is saying, right? It's not like they got a random insane person to play the part and had her ad lib.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


It is not suppose to refer to what happened in a movie that was released 3 years prior to the one in question.

Except it can also mean that when referring to serialised storytelling (books, comics, movies, TV shows). Has been like that for ages.


Fully agree. Ive said it in other posts, the directors of MCU will not have enough creative freedom to mould a script to their choosing. They are forced to include useless fillers and out of context scenes just to set up a film in 2-3 years time. Excluding certain elements in favour of trademark MCU gags is also another annoying feature because each film has look, smell and feel the same- straight from the Disney manufacturing plant.

The X franchise isn't well connected but each film is a self sustaining film without the need to set up an overarching event. Id rather take minor inconsistencies than watching, as Mangold puts it perfectly, a glorified Hollywood TV series on the big screen.


Each film is basically the same plot in the X-men films, that's why. They are self contained stories but it's basically the same one rehashed over and over again. The lazy continuity is just another sign of poor filmmaking and lack of attention to detail from everyone involved.


I'd say the exact same thing about the MCU. The difference is I actually give a crap about the X Men characters and do not give a crap about the lame ass Avengers. They all suck.


So basically you're saying "Yes, I don't like that the movies bother to have connection to one another. I don't like that there's a larger narrative at work and I don't like how the characters all co-exist, they should all be wholly separate and never ever meet."


A larger narrative results in more and more restrictions on the individual films.


How so? I really want to know how this happens.


MCU fans are the worst.


the directors who are also screen writers are fired from the MCU for attempting to write an actual screenplay.


No, just the ones who don't care about the larger narrative and don't want to do anything more than a standalone piece.


Another X-men director talking cr*p about the MCU, but jealousy is like that (always have a go at the people much better in the same field as you). Going to be hilarious when GOTG 2 does so much better than yet another Wolverine film. It's also ridiculous that he's trying to spin the X-men film's ignorance of continuity as a good thing.


GOTG 2 is gonna have a huge box office. The first one was such a surprise hit and that trailer was f'ing amazing.

I would be surprised if Logan beats GOTG 2 in either box office earnings or with critics.

I hope Logan is good but I'm currently not really excited for it because of how bad Apocalypse was and I think that will have some affect on the general audience who goes to see the film.

A lot of posters I've seen expect GOTG 2 to out earn Justice League this year. I wouldn't go that far but it actually hasn't been an uncommon thing to see on IMDB boards which is just insane when you think about it. All the bad movies before JL make people think it'll hurt it's box office especially if WW is a bomb. So the same logic would apply here with Apocalypse being as bad as it was and Logan being the next "X-Men" following it.

So yeah, I'll bet on GOTG 2 beating Logan


GotG2 appeals to more of the market share (children) so of course it will outgross Logan.



Nolan's movies probably wouldn't be that well received these days.


which makes me wonder how Christopher Nolan is going to survive if he is still making Batman movies.

He's not so no worries there?


Have you seen the Logan trailer or the Nolan Batman movies? There are plenty of jokey/funny moments. The guy going in to get X-23 and it goes to outside the building with them hearing the guy screaming and shooting. The gas station. Just because they are made faced when these things happen doesn't make them unfunny moments. I think it's more that you and others like yourself are conditioned to see the MCU as being more funny than they are (mostly because of Stark's sarcasm) and all other CBMs as less comedic. Yes, there are some of the movies that go into slapstick moments (Dr. Strange's cape), but for the most part most of the movies fit into the same mold.

The only difference in most of these movies is whether the lights are on or off and how many people are wearing black and earth colors. If people are wearing blacks and browns, then they are the "good movies." If they are wearing colors that you can tell what color that is, then they are the MCU.

The worst part is that the market is now conditioned to treat popcorn flicks like Guardians of the Galaxy as the standard of comic book movies.

Really think about this. Comic book movies that tried to be "adult" has never been really popular that lots of people went to see them. Think about the most popular CBMs. And let's not include Batman and Superman because they are at legendary status and people will go see them anyway. In the last almost 2 decades, X-men is at the bottom. And that was when it was only X-men and Spider-man for the most part. Deadpool is the most popular X-men movie because they managed to partially separate itself from the main series. You guys blame the MCU for everything. You need to start looking at the movies you want to be popular because they were in the comics in the late 80s and 90s. The MCU going away will not fix the problems with the X-men movies. They'll only let people hide them like they did before the MCU started.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


I think it's more that you and others like yourself are conditioned to see the MCU as being more funny than they are (mostly because of Stark's sarcasm) and all other CBMs as less comedic.


Think about the most popular CBMs. And let's not include Batman and Superman because they are at legendary status and people will go see them anyway. In the last almost 2 decades, X-men is at the bottom. And that was when it was only X-men and Spider-man for the most part

^This. And people conveniently forget that the highest-grossing entry in the main X-Men series made only 26 million less than Guardians of the Galaxy worldwide, which would suggest people consider it part of the "standard" (whatever that is).



If you had bothered to watch the film, you would realize that the humor in Doctor Strange was meant to be awkward and forced. He doesn't realize he's not funny, which comes across on the supporting characters who are at the receiving end of his failed humor.

It was intentional.

And humor is a prominent feature in the MCU because it has proven to be successful. People enjoy going to the movies to escape and have a good time. If they want to be depressed, well I guess that's what the Fox-Men films are for.


There is only 1 reason for the excessive, nauseating, lame comedy in the MCU and that is to keep the children and teenagers happy to distract them from the thin plots each film has because of their low attention spans. I liked the first 4 entries in the MCU uptil the 1st Avengers Assemble because they kept the levity at a sensible medium. After that I began noticing a huge spike in LAME forced comedy and gags in each successive film starting from IM3 then Thor 2 all the way up to the worst culprit, Guardians of the Galaxy. And yeah they are "successful" films because Feige knows what it takes to please the crowd from an entertainment perspective. Sadly it isn't great character depth, dialogue or a solid script but instead the form of cinema which appeals to the simplest of audiences: CGI overload, one liner quips and Disney style villains.


GOTG was one of the few last times I saw A MCU movie in cinema. when the film got to the Star Lord dancing scene, I honestly couldn't believe what I was watching. the dumbing down of cinema was complete.


Get over yourself. If you think that's dumb and twilight isn't you really shouldn't be one to talk about what makes an intelligent movie.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


You must hate the Lethal Weapon movies.


The first Avengers film was their biggest and most successful film up until that point. Joss Whedon made it a point to have a lot of humor in the film because that's his style and what do ya know, people enjoyed it. Of course they were going to replicate that in future films. If something works, you do it again. You should know that. X-men has been following the same formula for almost 2 decades (we're still seeing the influences of X2 almost 15 years later).

People have different tastes and they go to see movies for different reasons. Some people just want to escape and be entertained. There is nothing wrong with that. One day, you and the rest of the blind, biased Fox-Men fanatics are going to realize that and learn to reign in that bitter hatred of yours.

No one is forcing you to watch MCU films. Fox-Men films aren't going anywhere, so you should be pretty happy. Not sure what your problem is. Let people like what they want.


Oh great the usual, saying lie that MCU movies are strictly for kids.

Humor is subjective and MCU movies have just as much depth and compelling plots as X Men.

PS: What's so bad about Disney style villains? I mean almost all of Pixar's movies have great villains.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


There is only 1 reason for the excessive, nauseating, lame comedy in the MCU and that is to

Remind people that levity is a part of everyday life, despite what all those overly dramatic wannabe Oscar movies tell us.

Sadly it isn't great character depth, dialogue or a solid script but instead the form of cinema which appeals to the simplest of audiences: CGI overload, one liner quips and Disney style villains.

Actually, both have merit. And the MCU has both.


I agree with you in regards to the wider audience. However are you trying to say that GOTG2 is only made for children? Because if you are then that just goes into the MCU=Childish category for me which means you're gonna be blocked because "childish" movies depending on the movie can be enjoyed by all. Hell Zootopia is one of my favorite movies of last year and it doesn't matter that it was animated or meant for children. The thing is, a good movie is a good movie.


Dude, Deadpool. Logan won't have any of the raunchiness that Deadpool had. Logan gets an R rating for profanity and gore. It has a little girl as the co-star. Logan can beat out GotGv2 because of that. But the thing that most don't get is that, yes kids will see GotGv2, but it's mostly the adults that will see it multiple times. The thing that GotGv2 has that Logan doesn't is a better previous movie in that specific series. People (not the Fox fans according to this MB) loved GotG, but weren't overjoyed by The Wolverine or even Apocalypse. Logan has an uphill to climb.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


Oh Apocalypse will definitely hurt Logan's box office. It's all the same series, there's a knock on effect. Whearas GOTG 2 follows the very successful first in direct continuity and comes after the surprise hit of Doctor Strange (which the anti MCU crowd were convinced wouldn't do well).

It's childish that X-men directors always feel the need to try and take shots at Marvel, this one in particular coming from the director of the atrocious second Wolverine film and comes off more like bitterness and making pre-emptive excuses for the fact that they've ignored previous series continuity with Logan.


It's funny that people from both of the other studios do this. Momoa recently took shots at Marvel, also. And Marvel Studios is just sitting there sipping tea before making another movie that most people will go see. Before trying to belittle others, they need to sit down and understand why those movies are popular. Only things I'm getting from them is kiddie and RDJ being in them all (Hi, Wolverine!).

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


Momoa might be a little stung because he was the first choice for Drax but turned it down for DC. Now that he's seen what a great movie GOTG was and how fun it would've been to play Drax he might be kicking himself.


I think he would be an awesome Namor. He looks more like that character than Aquaman.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


It's eerie how accurate that is. Perhaps DC is just trying to steal Marvel's thunder with Namor.


And if Marvel goes to make a Namor movie with him looking like he does in the comics, people will say they are just copying DC.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


That's because Marvel Studios owns what they are doing and is doing an overarching story. They forge ahead even when things go bad. DC reboots because that's what DC does. They pretty much have been rebooting their comics every 5 or so years. But Fox and Sony reboot when things go bad. They won't do an overarching story because, for one they can't get movies out. They announce something and it never comes. They'll reboot at a moments notice or just make random movies (Fox).

See it's funny that they talk about weaving 4 or 5 different plot points when they really don't. They might anticipate things like mentioning Thor and Hulk in Civil War, but really, what extra do they do in their movies? Mention an Infinity stone?

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


James Magnold didn't blast Marvel or call the series terrible. Magnold said what most people are thinking.

I think people are just glad that Logan is a better alternative to all the Disney comic films of 2017.


Better or just an alternative? And there are only 2 and a half Marvel Disney movies coming out this year (that half being Spider-man). There are 2 DC movies coming out this year. People want to see Logan, but are they really overwhelmed about it? The same people wanting to see Logan are the same people wanting to see Power Rangers.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


It's no use, Vegeta has a hard-on for hating Disney, it blinds him to the truth.


It's no use, Vegeta has a hard-on for hating Disney, it blinds him to the truth.

I would never waste my time on a lie.


Well, you keep saying Disney makes the MCU movies, which is inaccurate.


The same people wanting to see Logan are the same people wanting to see Power Rangers.

Logan is R Rated.

Power Rangers looks less Disney kid-friendly than the MCU.

Better or just an alternative?.


And there are only 2 and a half Marvel Disney movies coming out this year (that half being Spider-man)

GOTG Volume 2 is about Disney merchandising.

Spiderman: Homecoming is less hyped with Iron Man.

Thor 3 has Hulk and Dr Strange because Disney wants to stop the box office bleeding.

People are becoming less fixated with the MCU.


Power Rangers looks less Disney kid-friendly than the MCU.

Yeah... no. If you've seen the latest trailer, you'll know that's not decided yet.


Logan is R Rated.

Power Rangers looks less Disney kid-friendly than the MCU.

Wait, so you are saying that people that can get in to see Logan aren't the same kids that watched this iteration (1st couple seasons) of Power Rangers over 20 years ago? That's crazy how time works.

You do know how nostalgia works, correct?


Yeah, R rating doesn't automatically make it better. Just from the trailers it looks like he's redoing The Wolverine. Complete with robot people in the Reavers and him protecting a girl. Betting there is a scientist villain and an old man that they have to fight at the end. And before you say they don't have to fight an old man... Watch the trailer again. The parts with them vibrating is Xavier using his powers on them. Predictable.

[Edit] Oh and I forgot to mention in my list of rehashes from The Wolverine. He lives out in the middle of no where and his healing factor is gone. Wonder if someone kills an animal.

GOTG Volume 2 is about Disney merchandising.

Is it? Is it really? I'm guessing you mean Baby Groot. A character that was actually in the comics.

Spiderman: Homecoming is less hyped with Iron Man.

Is it? Is it really? The end of the trailers with him swinging next to Iron Man was one of the highlights.

Thor 3 has Hulk and Dr Strange because Disney wants to stop the box office bleeding.

Is it? Is it really? Or is this a universe of characters? You do know that characters aren't confined to "their" movie right? You do know that any character can show up in any movie because they can. You guys are thinking old style of movies. Gone are the days when Spider-man can't be in a Captain America movie. Gone are the days when Green Lantern can't show up in a Batman movie. If Hulk shows up in Thor 3 (partially based on Planet Hulk) it's because they wanted Hulk to show up in Thor 3. And the one thing you aren't thinking about is that Dr. Strange was already going to appear in Thor 3. They filmed an after credits scene with Thor in it. Before Dr. Strange was popular in the movies. Now why would they do that? It wasn't to enhance Thor. Strange was untested.

People are becoming less fixated with the MCU.

Are they? Are they really? You really think people are making a turn after Dr. Strange made all that money? People went to see the movie and told others to see the movie. Dr. friggin Strange made more money than X-men: Apocalypse. By more than $100 million. Now... can you tell me which movie series people are less fixated on? I'll give you a hint: the initials are X-men.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


With all the hype Logan is receiving, film experts would have seen your bs similarities. Those film experts see the similarities with the Disney movies.
GOTG Vol 2 and Homecoming had the same lines in the trailer. The characters want to save the world-a generic superhero line that people don't use in comics/animes anymore.

Is it? Is it really? I'm guessing you mean Baby Groot. A character that was actually in the comics.

Since when are comic book characters used for unnecessary merchandising that overshadows the trailer? It only happens in MCU films.

Is it? Is it really? The end of the trailers with him swinging next to Iron Man was one of the highlights.

Iron Man hurt the trailer.

The Spiderman fans want to leave the MCU.

Is it? Is it really? Or is this a universe of characters? You do know that characters aren't confined to "their" movie right? You do know that any character can show up in any movie because they can. You guys are thinking old style of movies. Gone are the days when Spider-man can't be in a Captain America movie. Gone are the days when Green Lantern can't show up in a Batman movie. If Hulk shows up in Thor 3 (partially based on Planet Hulk) it's because they wanted Hulk to show up in Thor 3. And the one thing you aren't thinking about is that Dr. Strange was already going to appear in Thor 3. They filmed an after credits scene with Thor in it. Before Dr. Strange was popular in the movies. Now why would they do that? It wasn't to enhance Thor. Strange was untested.

A universe of characters usually mostly about solo outings for flagship titles, not constant team up films to stop the box office decline.

Are they? Are they really? You really think people are making a turn after Dr. Strange made all that money? People went to see the movie and told others to see the movie. Dr. friggin Strange made more money than X-men: Apocalypse. By more than $100 million. Now... can you tell me which movie series people are less fixated on? I'll give you a hint: the initials are X-men.

A disappointing X-Men comic film making 500 million with the old series of dinosaur years is not a bad thing, but it is a sign that Fox needs to mix things up. Deadpool, the XCU and Logan have gotten more fixation than every MCU movie. MCU is trying to keep people fixated with merchandising and bastardizing the most iconic marvel sub-universe. The XCU's anticipation is only going to get bigger after Logan, the number of people supporting alternative marvel-disney films has gotten bigger. Mangold did not say one bs thing about the MCU, but it got their shills very angry and tensed up. lol.


MCU are into their 14th pixar movie with a modern Disney brand and their movies can't make 700 million or 300 million without Iron Man.

Demonstrably false. Now keep pretending you're not being an anti-Disney twat just for trolling's sake...


With all the hype Logan is receiving, film experts would have seen your bs similarities. Those film experts see the similarities with the Disney movies.
GOTG Vol 2 and Homecoming had the same lines in the trailer. The characters want to save the world-a generic superhero line that people don't use in comics/animes anymore.

Logan is x-men getting back to it's character driven story telling roots. Please don't talk about Spidey, I am still mourning for his rogues gallery.

The Spiderman fans want to leave the MCU.

Wow this is a surprise....NOT

A universe of characters usually mostly about solo outings for flagship titles, not constant team up films to stop the box office decline.

The awkward moment when me realise the MCU can not realise its own dumbness. the more constant crossover movies are tossed out to the dumb masses, the more superficial the movies becomes. the thrill age of superheroes meeting on the big screen is's a childish gimmick Marvel has not realised.

A disappointing X-Men comic film making 500 million with the old series of dinosaur years is not a bad thing, but it is a sign that Fox needs to mix things up. Deadpool, the XCU and Logan have gotten more fixation than every MCU movie. MCU is trying to keep people fixated with merchandising and bastardizing the most iconic marvel sub-universe.

Marvel was rejected from the first movie in 2008. IronMan got a pass as it was the first marvel movie , nonetheless the inferiority of the movie was exposed after TDK was released less than 3 months later.

Find the space to research comic book movies starting from X-Men 1 to 2017, you will discover an increase of comic book hatred among real comic book readers and artists of various entertainment due to saturated dumbed down MCU movies. Marvel's own actors and directors have called their movies garbage

The XCU's anticipation is only going to get bigger after Logan, the number of people supporting alternative marvel-disney films has gotten bigger. Mangold did not say one bs thing about the MCU, but it got their shills very angry and tensed up lol.

MCU brainless Fanboys don't respond well to the medicine of real marvel fans punching a hole through the MCU agenda on X-Men.


If you and Vegeta consider yourselves "real fans", it's truly a dark age for Marvel fans...


And another thing, how is Marvel being compared to Pixar supposed to be a bad thing?


Yeah I'd much rather be a "fake fan".

Honestly Vegeta and Question7 have no argument other than bullsh!t pulled out of their asses yet they act like they have a PhD in Comics.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


Maybe idiots like you should learn that every story has two sides and you're not representing every comic book fan.

If there was actually an increase in hatred than why is MCU cause of it? Movies like BvS and Suicide Squad are clearly the more likely cause.

If Marvel really was rejected from the first movie then why are more and more comic book fans angry at FOX for messing up comics?

Besides what do you think you have a PhD or something? You go and belittle the majority that love MCU in their opinion and act like you're intellectually superior.

You immediately judge a movie made by Disney and call it bad due to your bias that's not what an intelligent person does, intelligent people understand OPINIONS.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


With all the hype Logan is receiving, film experts would have seen your bs similarities. Those film experts see the similarities with the Disney movies.

They didn't say anything about Apocalypse and I called 90% of what was going to happen in it when the 1st trailer hit.

I'm going to start replying to each of your stuff with the same thing. Cause all that you say is bull.
GOTG Vol 2 and Homecoming had the same lines in the trailer. The characters want to save the world-a generic superhero line that people don't use in comics/animes anymore.

Did they? Did they really? Spider-man isn't there to save the world. He never was. He's there to protect the city. If he's needed or there is someone from his city going out into the world then he does something about it. Stark says something about it, but he says it because Parker wants to help. It's the same as when a person wants to travel to another place and someone says "You want to conquer the world." Doesn't mean the person actually wants to conquer the world, just see it. And Rocket talks about the fate of the universe. But they never talk about "saving the world". I think I know one of your problems. You take what they say literally.

Since when are comic book characters used for unnecessary merchandising that overshadows the trailer? It only happens in MCU films.

Does it? Does it really? How is Baby Groot for merchandising? Gunn even said it didn't make sense for him to go back to adult Groot. Also, if you noticed, there was no potted Groot merchandise until way after the 1st movie. It was baffling. The problem here is you and your views. You see the parent company (Disney) and how they do merchandising and you place it on Marvel after seeing Baby Groot. And watch the trailer again. Matter of fact, watch the trailer for the 1st movie. The 1st movie's trailer showed Rocket on Groot's shoulder shooting. Vol 2 has Baby Groot now on Rocket's shoulder as Rocket is shooting. They thought this through. Baby Groot is not for merchandising (as of yet). Watch reaction videos of the trailers with women in it and you'll see why Baby Groot is there.

There's lots of swooning and "aww"s.

Iron Man hurt the trailer.

The Spiderman fans want to leave the MCU.

Do they? Do they really? Iron Man is taking the place of the disgraced Reed Richards (thanks Fox). He's his scientist mentor. I think you are the only one that hates that Iron Man is in the movie. Why is this cinematic universe so popular and the X-men movies have always been this basement dwelling, red haired, step child? It's so frustrating to you isn't it?

A universe of characters usually mostly about solo outings for flagship titles, not constant team up films to stop the box office decline.

Really? I mean really? Have you not read a comic book in your life? There are guest appearances and team ups and such in comics all the time. Practically every issue. And see there is your backwards thinking again. The days of one "hero" in a movie is over. Think of them as characters. Not as a movie's starring hero or guest appearance. And when was any of these movies about a hero's solo outing? The 1st Iron Man introduced characters and immediately told you that War Machine was going to be in the next movie. And then put Black Widow and Nick Fury all through the movie. Iron Man has the movie about the title character and a bunch of heroes with him. Thor had SHIELD all through the movie.

A disappointing X-Men comic film making 500 million with the old series of dinosaur years is not a bad thing, but it is a sign that Fox needs to mix things up. Deadpool, the XCU and Logan have gotten more fixation than every MCU movie. MCU is trying to keep people fixated with merchandising and bastardizing the most iconic marvel sub-universe. The XCU's anticipation is only going to get bigger after Logan, the number of people supporting alternative marvel-disney films has gotten bigger. Mangold did not say one bs thing about the MCU, but it got their shills very angry and tensed up. lol.

Is it? Is it really? X-men were supposedly the biggest comic book series of series during the late 80s and all through the 90s. Avengers were nothing compared to them. Nobody cared about the Avengers or Iron Man or Captain America or even Doctor Strange. X-men is suppose to be the ones making over a billion dollars from the 1st movie. They couldn't even reach $300 million on the 1st and barely made it past $400 million on X2. From the beginning people have been calling foul on these movies because of the treatment of the characters. The echos of Cyclops and Storm can still be heard from the mountain tops. Apocalypse only made $550 million because of hope. After DoFP, people were hopeful for a good movie despite their reservations on Apocalypse's look. Bad word of mouth killed it. X-men Apocalypse was suppose to be the Avenger killer. So no, $500 million is not a good thing when the previous nostalgia heavy movie did $200 million more. Hopefully the gimmick for Singer's next X-men movie will be better. But then again he'll try to get back in good graces by directing the pilot for the X-men series.

Deadpool is not a part of the "XCU". Miller and Reynolds were lucky as hell that Fox just gave them money and let them do whatever they wanted.

And Marvel sub-universe? The Avengers characters are the main part of the universe, kid. And anticipation for the X-men universe after Logan is more hope. Hopefully, you can keep that hope after Logan. Hope is a good thing until it is dashed. Killing hope makes people go insane. Keep hope alive!

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


The cinematic popular movies are still not judged by the standard of x-men movies. Logan's trailer has set the standards for x-men movies again and people are anxious to see if it will deliver. the first 40 minutes previews for the critics said that it did. What are the cinematic standards for Homecoming and GOTG? Expect another safe Level 1 Disney Marvel movie, that are not immensely popular with the non kid-friendly people.

They didn't say anything about Apocalypse and I called 90% of what was going to happen in it when the 1st trailer hit. I'm going to start replying to each of your stuff with the same thing. Cause all that you say is bull.

Not Bull-

Spiderman was never close to any other marvel flagship character. His secret identity was not known to other heroes including Reed Richards. The only mentor Spiderman had, was his dead uncle appearing to him in dreams and flashbacks. As Peter Parker, Dr Otto was his mentor. You can't use any credible source for Mr Fantastic as the mentor of Spiderman since it is bullsh!t.

X-Men's box office are the standard track record for most real comic films including Superman and Batman without C.N. Any comic film can make a billion dollars if they are morphed into pixar movies including x-men or used a shared universe set up approach. The hope of every other marvel film after 2014 by the Disney brand was to stay in the 700 million range and none of that is happening.

Disney pushed civil war as the next Avengers - it made less than Iron Man 3, The MCU can no longer outdo the feat it got to so suddenly, MCU has peaked and declined. The Singer X-MEN movies are in the first Batman and Superman movie territory, X-Men has not reached its peak. I didn't think anyone said Apocalypse was the Avengers killer, it was a wrap up prequel with teen characters. Deadpool was the Avengers killer. The movie has beaten all the marvel movies minus iron man 3 and any Avengers related movie without the Disney Corporate Wizards or the kid-friendly audience.

The hope for the XCU is born out of the MCU’s decline as people’s push for the rise of another marvel movie universe. MCU has played its last cards with the constant team up movies. Disney's only plan to stop the MCU's decline is to have the upcoming XCU merge with the MCU before Deadpool 2 or The New Mutants, but in an ironic twist of fate, Fox can use the XCU to make the marvel cinematic universe people have been hoping for. People see the XCU as the hope of marvel movies, you see the XCU as a Marvel-Disney hate sign.


His secret identity was not known to other heroes including Reed Richards.

Thanks for confirming you haven't read the comics.

Disney pushed civil war as the next Avengers - it made less than Iron Man 3

No, it was sold as a Captain America movie, and made more than The Winter Soldier.

The "MCU decline" you're talking about is in your head.


Thanks for confirming you haven't read the comics.

Disney pushed civil war as the next Avengers - it made less than Iron Man 3

No, it was sold as a Captain America movie, and made more than The Winter Soldier.

The "MCU decline" you're talking about is in your head.


So yes, you admit Cap 3 was a Cap movie that just happened to have some other characters in it.



Plus, it doesn't change the fact that you haven't read the comics...


Man man man...the MCU's continuing success and the X-Verse's growing irrelevance is really eating away at you isn't it?

What are the cinematic standards for Homecoming and GOTG?

That they will be unashamed, unlike the X-Movies.


Man man man...the MCU's continuing success and the X-Verse's growing irrelevance is really eating away at you isn't it?

Growing irrelevance with more support for the XCU as a separate universe.

That they will be unashamed, unlike the X-Movies.

Unashamed of how good Spiderman is as a fighter


Growing irrelevance with more support for the XCU as a separate universe.

Thanks to the scars Singer left on CBMs dividing the ashamed from the unashamed more and more, instead of the ashamed just learning to be unashamed. It's sad the damage that man did.

Unashamed of how good Spiderman is as a fighter

Raimi's Spidey was pretty crap as a fighter to be honest, MCU Spidey is starting off better.


Fox hates continuity.
