any good

is this game worth buying


I'd say so. It's smarter and deeper than CoD, and easier to play than Battlefield. It's looks great, got a decent plot and some good characters. And if you've played the previous Wolfenstein games (like me) then you'll really appreciate all the references! It's easily the best next-gen FPS out there, in my opinion.


Very good. Its just mindless dumb shooting, but its mindless dumb FUN shooting. Also, if you're tired of multiplayer, then New Order seems to offer a huge campaign comparred to most FPS nowadays.

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!


Oh yes. Probably a good 12-15 hour campaign (if you play it on Uber as I did).

Surprisingly solid story and characters, good voice acting, pretty good graphics too.

Very cool alternative reality story. Makes me glad the Nazis didn't win WW2!


ok thanks for the help everyone I bought it today and really like it


I would not call it smarter or deeper than CoD. It is a different style plot that is more scifi and less believable than CoD plots. But generally it is as bad.
As far as the action, it is very fun to shoot different guns and to kill enemies in different ways. You can complete levels by sneaking as well. Lots of unlockable content.

The content is definitely not for kids under 17 or so. There is gore and sex in it.

No multiplayer and no extra modes. There is no mode like so called onslaught or survival.

I played the game on hardest difficulty for achievements, but in most places it was very easy, while hard in some.

By now I'd say you should only get it if it is $29 or less. By the end of summer it will be about $20. Maybe earlier.


It's good, just don't get it for PC if you have an ATI/AMD card cause you will be in for a world of frustration.

"Tickets Please..."


Playing on a Radeon R9 390X and no problems as of yet all the way up to chapter 9.
