MovieChat Forums > Grimsby (2016) Discussion > Not for the Feint Hearted

Not for the Feint Hearted

I think a lot of the poor reception is due to this type of humor not being well-received by a lot of people.

If you think Deadpool was edgy comedy, this movie is not for you. If you're looking for a modern Austin Powers, keep looking. On the other hand, if your comfortable with Bob Saget's telling of The Aristocrats, your in good territory. This is not one of Cohen's comedies that highlights cultural ignorance, like Borat, so if you're hoping for something in that vein, you're not going to find it here. If you liked The Kingsman, but hated the anal sex joke at the end, then you won't like this movie, because it's The Kingsman with nothing but anal sex jokes peppered throughout. The Brothers Grimsby is a no-holds-barred comedy for audiences with anything but delicate sensibilities that are looking for thoughtless laughs and plenty of them. It's similar to a live-action episode of South Park, but without any moral lessons whatsoever. However, you have to understand that what you're comfortable watching cartoons do, such as when Eric photographed himself tea-bagging Butters, you may not be comfortable watching in live-action, as it tends to ratchet up the filth factor. So, even if you like raunchy jokes, this one might be too much for you.

Now, it's fine if extremely raunchy comedy isn't for you, but that doesn't mean the movie is bad or not funny, it just means that it isn't suited to your personal tastes. That's okay, we can all like different things.

So, if you like extremely over the top jokes and scoff at the notion of even having sensibilities, this movie is probably tailored to your tastes. Don't let the naysayers convince you otherwise.


Deadpool is PG compared To This. This is one Hell of A ride. Vulgar And fun.


