MovieChat Forums > Grimsby (2016) Discussion > Your favorite gag? (Attention! Spoilers!...

Your favorite gag? (Attention! Spoilers!)

There were quite a few gags. Most of them typically Cohen. Please tell your favorite gag from the movie.

My favourite one (because it was so short you might not have noticed it):
In the end, when both brothers were lying in the hospital, with their burnt asses wide open, the girl switched on the fan and as soon as the fan turned towards the guys there was a short sound like from organ pipes.


That was my favorite one too. Me and my husband cracked up as soon as we heard the pipe sound!!!

It's not so much that I want to kill her... It's just... I want her not to be alive anymore.


The flying dog (when the little kids are in attack mode and throw the dog down from a window). It's so unexpected. It is absolutely my favorite gag.


The flying dog is the best one for sure. I know what my dog would do if you threw her at someone. There would be blood. She's quick as a cat and "excitable".

Second is the pool ball in the condom. I never would have thought of that but sounds like a good idea in a pinch.


I had to think of blowing on a (empty) bottle when I heard that sound and burst out laughing too.I hear that sound quite often since I water my plants with a bottle and when it's empty and I go to refill it I blow on the bottle ;) My cat hates that sound. The deeper, the more.My fave scene was probably the slow motion blood spread into Radcliff's mouth and the Voldemort remark later. Challenged by the scene with the pubic hair beard. (hahaha *giggle*) ---Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


All of them.


England wins WC, LOL! Vs. Germany LOL LOL!


The scene in the credits where Nobby shoots a load of guys on a boat then Sebastian shows up and asks if he's "met the rest of the team yet"


Jacking an elephant, then calling it an elephant bukakke party.


the town being twinned with Chernobyl

the poisoned bollox scene

in Africa, stopping the taxi to ride the zebra

eating the maid

"will you stop shooting everything!?"

"what! She runs FIFA!?"

"Tell my kids I died with dignity...."


Nobby tells kid, "I told you that you shouldn't smoke!"
Kid says, "I thought you just meant crack."
Nobby says, "No, I meant cigarettes too. At your age, you should only be vaping!"

That vaping crack had me laughing out loud. I guess because it seems like everybody is always trying to act like vaping is such a healthy alternative to smoking when, obviously, quitting would be the best remedy.

*****Momma told me not to come.*****


When Nobby was about to have sex with Dawn (she didn't put on any panties) while Sebastian was standing there watching.
"Don't worry, it didn't come out of my bum"
