MovieChat Forums > Grimsby (2016) Discussion > The only thing that was good were the ac...

The only thing that was good were the action scenes.

I didn't find this movie very funny at all. Sacha plays a twat for the whole movie. I understand that was the point but it was a bit unbearable. Maybe there were all of 2 funny scenes. But none that made me laugh out loud. It mostly made me cringe.
The dictator was better. Seems like after his success with Borat he fell off.
His gross out shock humor is just flat out bad and lazy writing. It's like. GEEE WHAT'S THE GROSSIEST THING I CAN THINK OF. I got it. How about Sacha accidentally Jacks off in a big bowl of clam chowder. Then accidentally serves to a bunch of old ladies and the ladies claim it's the best soup they ever had while the clam chowder is all over their chins. Hurhruhrurbhrhu derp. See how funny that is? This is retard comedy. This is the kind of stuff he comes up with nowadays. Instead of actually coming up with jokes and writing.


Unless he's doing a fake documentary style flick with a hidden camera, his stuff is pretty bad. I agree he's basically run out of ideas and is just going for shock value, which gets old quickly unless extremely well done. This movie tried so hard to be gross that it has the opposite effect, and nothing is shocking because you expect it to be over the top. No surprise there though, the commercials were pretty clear about how bad this would be.
