After 2 Episodes...

I can't say that I'm impressed. The designers seem like Project Runway rejects and the "mentors" seem to be struggling to say something worth, well, saying.

Nicolas send down what looked like the oversized tee shirts I wear around the house and the mentors called it a "well made tunic". Yeah. Ok.

Sam sent out a raggedy sweat shirt and I don't know what it was on the bottom, (a bolt of fabric pinned around the models waist?) and the mentors just loved it ("slouchy chic" Nick called it.)

What are they smoking? I want some.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


I'm not impressed either. Tim has no say, except to tell people that they have to stop sewing, and I just get the feeling that it's slanted towards Anya. I just wonder WHY?

I also wonder how much, if any, say that Nina Garcia has in the PR Franchise. Mondo lost his season, because he wouldn't "dumb down" his aesthetic to please Nina, and another designer lost The Prom Challenge for the same reason.

I just wonder how long the PR franchise will last... No Tim Gunn, No ME!

"I do hope he won't upset Henry.."


Ditto. What really put me over the edge was when two designers that clearly should not have made it (Natalia and Isabel) did. And I really REALLY don't get their fascination/obsession with Anya.


The thing that annoys me is that PR is *always* on now. It used to be there were two seasons a year, so you'd look forward to it. Two is definitely plenty. But for the past couple years they've been doing two seasons of regular PR as well as two PR: All-Stars so that they air back-to-back. And now didn't grab my attention after the first episode so I don't consider it essential PR viewing, but the official title is Project Runway: Under the Gunn, so it's related to the franchise. Obviously no one is forcing me to watch PR or the All-Stars version. I still enjoy them, though (I actually thought this past All-Stars with Alyssa Milano was the best yet), I just wish they'd give PR some space and give fans a chance to look forward to it. It's probably still Lifetime's top draw, though, so they're just milking it for all it's worth more than ever.

The sky is blue


I guess Lifetime feels if there is any gap, we will lose interest and stop watching? This is a show that needs space. There aren't enough talented undiscovered designers to cast so often which is why the talent pool goes down when you need to still fill up the slots.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I like the concept, I'm just not sold on the idea of the mentors. Save for Nick, Anya & Mondo aren't exactly KNOWN for their mentoring skills and their careers are still starting--Anya's not even a successful fashion designer. So if I were a designer trying to make it big, I don't know that I would want to have Anya & Mondo as my mentor.

I think it would be more interesting if the mentors were the PR Judges or successful fashion designers,models, etc who were guest judges like Rachel Roy or Patricia Field

but we'll see, it's not as bad a show as Project Accessories and is a step up from Tim's talk show
