The Judges should judge

Are the judges ever going to make a decision? Making a mentor choose between two designers one week - and not eliminating one the next week? When a person accepts the responsibility of being a judge, they should "man-up" and actually make a decision.


I'm sure they weren't hired to decide anything, but to make a few entertaining comments that are probably as scripted as the rest of the show.
What a coincidence that every mentor lost exactly one team member by the time the team challenge was set. That is so friggin annoing. And where can I bet anyone a quid that the double-elimination will come when none of Anya's designers are in the bottom?


And I'm guessing the double elimination will be one each from Mondo's and Nick's groups and not both from the same "team."

And I'm still trying to figure out what dirt Nicholas has on the judges to have enabled him to avoid multiple well-deserved eliminations.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.
—Joseph of Cordoba


I agree... If they are going to make the mentors decide, then the mentors should be involved in the judging process!
