Mondo sulking

Mondo could maybe be right about Nick's mentoring not being fair to him and Anya. And maybe Mondo could be right about Natalia's non merit comparatively to Michelle and Asha. But I don't think that confronting Nick is correct. What is the point? Nick could only defend Natalia or shut up and be sad, while Mondo can discharge his bad mood on Nick. That is not the way to go. And then he could discuss the matter with the judges, but not like he did: like a big sulky child. He should have presented arguments to the judges, like for example present them moments where they could have thrown someone out of the competition with a good idea but bad construction (I don't remember anyone, but maybe there was). But Mondo was disgraceful and immature. Anya deserves her own post. Like, get a mirror woman!


Mondo was annoying and self absorbed. Nick's mentoring style was not unfair to mondo and anya. It was unfair to the designers including Nick's. But Mondo has to make everything about himself. HE WAS THE ONEBEING PERSONAL ABOUT EVERYTHING. And it is wrong for Nick to take it personally? He was the one MAD to the judges for not recognizing Michelle even though Michelle did not show a good outfit. Very personal. Anyway it was just annoying. He was so blind he could not see the crappiness of his designers' work. Somehow his entire group loves burlap sacks. Michelle's had nothing to do with day to night. It was a burlap sack that at night would wrap the woman like a burrito. Sam's was also a wrap and casual sundressy both ways. ASHA was lucky to not get kicked out. And he kept blaming her construction not the *beep* design. NATALIA HAD GOOD DESIGN AND NOT GREAT CONSTRUCTION. ASHA HAD CRAP DESIGN AND CRAP CONSTRUCTION. and she created six sacks attached to one outfit.


Asha's was awful. The model looked hippy, true. Even worse, to me, was the proportions of the bodice, though. It was so discordant. She's lucky she didn't get booted for that.
Burlap sack is right.


I really liked Mondo at first but he sure acted like a baby on this one. I like Nick he seems to try to stay so positive. I do have to ask, what the Hell is Macklemore doing judging designers work?...
