MovieChat Forums > Friend Request (2017) Discussion > Your worst social media experience

Your worst social media experience

Do tell


I called Clark Gregg a dumbass and he took it to heart.

I hated to hurt the guy's feelings but it had to be said.


Some guy I met on Facebook and chatted to. He got way too personal when I was only being nice (I'm a loner and understand the need to talk to people).
Then came some weird I love you stuff. I didn't encourage it for a second and told him I was a lesbian. Then he asked for tips on getting a girl. I think he was just clueless and moved on to someone else. Thank Heavens.


My old school mates were horrible to each other on facebook (these ladies were in their 40s at the time and their catty attitude was horrendous!), so yea i deleted my account (my cousin started a terrible Facebook fight with his family and they still won't talk to each other after 4 years...i wonder why I never go back to Facebook...its was a big toxic dump of lies and anger


This isn't my experience, but there is a lady on Facebook who posts random gibberish about conspiracy theories, her desire for a man (who it seems she desperately wants to marry her) to be killed, and constantly talks about "the network" trying to harass her, kill her and steal from her. She posts huuuuge posts all the time, replying to them herself hundreds of times.

It seems she was a PhD student who lost a baby and had some kind of mental breakdown. She now thinks that her former professors are out to get her (she names tons of real people, calling for their execution, etc) and from her pictures and comments it's clear she was once very highly connected in Canadian high society.

The horribly, horribly sad thing is why no one is getting this poor woman help.


I know a lot of mature people who experienced absolute shockers mostly on Facebook and then they tell me all about it.
One of my silly relatives announced to FB that she's just got engaged & a pic of her engagement ring was posted. Then her boyfriend that she was supposed to engaged to had seen this post and photo and freaked out coz there wasn't any "engagement" to begin with. My silly relative had bought the ring herself and lied about it on FB...well the boyfriend instantly dumped her.
Yes my cousin copped a lot of laughs and insults over this episode.
