Adultery (Season 2 spoiler)

I love how this show intermingles silliness and seriousness. I find the characters entertaining and the banter delightfully witty. And I admired the way Kimmy and Dong handled their mutual attraction with the practicalities of life in Season One.

But there is nothing admirable or delightful about cheating on your spouse. When some harsh things have happened in the show, they've shown the characters working through it. But seeing Kimmy and Dong do something so dishonorable, without any apparent remorse, hit me as if we'd seen Kimmy accidentally run over someone with her car and then smile, sing a ditty, and travel on. Maybe something like that will happen in a future episode, the way her character has been going.


I would normally agree about backing off a married man, but dongs marriage is so silly and was just so he could stay in the US. Dong didn't take it that seriously or really love the old lady, and I think Kimmy knew that.

However, the old lady seemed to really love Dong, so in that aspect, it was a crappy thing to do to her.


If Dong had been love with both of them, I'd agree. But he never loved Sonia. In fact, he wanted to marry Kimmy in season one so he wouldnt be deported, but she had the trial going on. So he was forced to marry Sonia, who may or may not have loved Dong. I mean, who knew with her character- I think in one episode she was in love with a fountain.

Dong's marriage was basically arranged & he was very unhappy. And I liked that Kimmy & Dong did there best not to cheat, despite their feelings. Kimmy did have a moral dilemma about it. And I don't mean to diminish the meaning of marriage, but Dong was clearly forced into something he didn't want.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


It's tragic when people make happiness the litmus test for behavior, and what actions they take. This may have crushed Sonja. We already knew from a previous episode that the idea of Dong cheating would have made her very angry. And rightly so!


But Sonia was... Difficult to live with.

I mean, in a realistic situation, she'd have some kind of undiagnosed mental condition. And I'm not saying just because your unhappy, you can do whatever you want. But I'm saying as wrong as it to cheat in your marriage, it was wrong to force Dong into that marriage.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


Nobody forced Dong into marriage, and Sonja sure as hell didn't. Dong chose to marry her for his own reasons. Her being mentally I'll has nothing to do with it, he shouldn't have married her in the first place.


I completely agree with you. I know that this show is meant to be funny but that aspect still bothers me. Especially because Kimmy is the voice of reason in this show. So for her to do something like that and then not even feel remorse for it or acknowledge that it was the wrong thing to do bothered me. I personally had issues like that with this season. I preferred the first one. One of the things I disliked the most was actually Kimmy and Dong's relationship. I was very bothered by how selfish Dong was and I didn't understand why Kimmy liked him so much. I understand so in the first season because the circumstances were different. And in fact Kimmy was different. But I feel like Kimmy outgrew Dong and they didn't have the same things in common as they did in the first season. The way that Dong kept stringing Kimmy along and then rejecting her really bothered me. He would get mad her when she was being caring and said a few times that "you can't do this to me", and that she needed to leave him alone... etc. Like it was all her fault and he was pissed off about it. But then he'd string her along instead of letting her move on with her life. I just don't understand why she even liked him anymore. Especially due to the fact that Keith was much more interesting, caring and a better match. But he was only there for like an episode and then they never acknowledged his existence. Yes people may think that he wasn't right because he had PTSD just like her and she reacted badly to it. But I in fact think he was a good match because of the fact that he had PTSD and could relate to her and understand her on some levels. And she reacted badly because at that point she was in major denial about the bunker. I also thought that unlike Dong he actually cared for her. Even when they were both having an episode he was trying to protect her and then went on to explain to her that she had PTSD and needed to seek help. And she did! I think that once she would (which she started to), their relationship could've been quite functional. I hope that they bring him back in the next season and get rid of Dong's character. There were also some comments they would keep making in this season that I thought were quite distasteful and stupid. I can't remember all of them but one in particular was the joke they tried to make twice in the same episode (which is what they did on numerous occasions with the unfunny comments) about Cate Blanchett not being a good actress at all but just tall. What the hell was that about? In a show created by a woman and about a woman, I don't appreciate the jabs at successful women in the industry. Especially someone like Cate Blanchett who is very talented. There were a few other 'jokes' like that that rubbed me the wrong way.
Sorry for the long reply but I guess I had to get that off my chest haha! I mean when you wait a whole year and get this, it makes me want to rant.


Agreed. Instantly made both characters less likable. And that it was premeditated. And that Kimmy had just been a friend to someone that had been cheated on. Meh.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson
