Yellow Skin

I'd assume this isn't a problem with my TV because I've only noticed the problem with this show.

But is anyone noticing on close ups the main characters faces have a yellow tinge. I hope everyone on the show isn't suffering from jaundice.


It's from all the Pinot Noir lol!! Sorry. Couldn't help but make the joke.

Be well and be kind


I was wondering why Mrs. Voorhees has red skin on her neck, chest, and hands. I don't know if it is a lame attempt to make her look like a Native American posing as Caucasian or if Jane has a skin condition.


I didn't really notice it. But I'm almost certain it's not "redface," and I don't think it's a skin condition, per se, either. Sometimes very fair-skinned people have a lot of red undertones to their skin. I remember one time Kristen Stewart was wearing this great Proenza Schouler outfit, and in some photos her legs looked almost purple. It's just a circulatory, pale person thing, and with Kristen Stewart and the actress who plays Mrs. Voorhees, it's accentuated by the fact that they don't have a lot of extra fat on their frames, and possible they follow a low-sodium diet, which prevents bloating, which would also lessen the appearance of the redness somewhat. My dad is pale but ruddy, and when he tans, he gets even more red-colored with his tan. I'm really pale, and though I don't have naturally reddish or pink skin, my tans always have lots of red in them, too; not like sunburn, but so that I look at myself and think "'golden glow' my mahogany-colored behind."


Tanning bed tans. I used to have the same when I "tanned" in a tanning bed.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson
