Wow, season 2 is damn TERRIBLE

We watched season one pretty quick cause it was funny and couldn't help watching several episodes in a row each time we watched. We started season 2 right after it debuted and we still haven't bothered finishing it. We finally watched another episode the other night and it was as boring as I remember this season's other episodes being. What the hell happened to this show?? I think we just watched episode 4 or 5 but I don't know if I can stomach watching anymore. Did they get new writers or something? Are the writers a bunch of hacks that got lucky one season and had no good material after that? Strange that it dropped in quality so quickly after one season. At least shows like Supernatural waited several seasons before they became terrible. So what happened with this show?


agreed. It must be a sophomore slump. It's just not... funny. Season 2, that is.


I actually really liked season 2.

I agree, I liked season one better but season 2 was fine. Really enjoyed both.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.





Sorry but why does that person have to justify to you why they liked it? A lot of people really enjoyed season 2, I personally loved it for several reasons but I don't have to explain why to you, you would only disagree with me anyway. You didn't like it, that's fair enough, your opinion but that doesn't give you the right to try and belittle others because they feel differently.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


Thank you wheelr

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


No problem. People who are intolerant of other peoples preferences really irritate me. Plenty of stuff I can't stand but other people love, I don't judge them for enjoying what I don't, it's not only rude but it's ridiculous and a waste of time.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


So you two refuse to give any reason to a simple question? Almost sounds like you CAN'T answer the question. I guess you're just fanboys that refuse to acknowledge it's bad. Give it up, season 2 is terrible.


Evanescence is probably just responding to your orginal question.

And I apologize for not giving out specific details... I just enjoyed it. I really liked that they added more of Amy Sedaris, who I enjoyed a lot in Stangers with Candy. But I understand people either loved or hated her role. I liked Titus' new boyfriend & flipping the sterotype around when he came out to his family & they immediately accepted him. And Titus didn't get that big dramatic moment, etc.

If you didn't like season 2, that's fine. Your probably not alone. Just like everything else, people are going to love or hate it. The only thing I didn't love about season 2 is Kimmy's relationship with Dong. I wish it hadn't been so back & forth with Dong pushing her away, pulling her back, etc. But I really enjoyed the cameo of the guy from Dawson's Creek.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


Since this is a discussion board, maybe the OP could identify what particularly didn't work for them so the rest of us can consider their opinion with the purpose of understanding more fully.

I have enjoyed the second season but clearly not given it as much thought as the OP, so I'm not asking the OP to justify their opinion, but to specify so I can see if there's something I missed.

Or you could just assume the person asking is being an ass.

Dum Spiro Spero


It's simply not very funny at all and pretty boring.



Because it had more Tina Fey as a drunk psychiatrist and it was hilarious.


I don't even know who you're responding to. 😓


I really did appreciate Tina's character, and look forward to more from her. I enjoy that this isn't going a typical sitcom route and they are not afraid of character progression! I enjoyed season 2 more actually.


I enjoyed some aspects of Season 2 (Ms. white's arc, Titus' and Lillians' storylines) but Kimmy became monotonously angry for at least half of the season.


In part because Amy Sedaris sucks the funny out of everything she does.


I didn't love the first half. But the second half was just as funny if not better than the first season.

Mickey's puppuzza was the funniest thing I've seen on TV this year. I thought Tina Fey as the day and night drunk psychiatrist was great. And it was refreshing to see Kimmy interact outside of her little world.

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


Tina Fey sucks.


Tina Fey is one of the main show runners, the whole show comes from the minds of Tina and Robert Carlock so if you think Tina sucks, you're not going to enjoy it, if you like Tina and her particular sense of humor, you'll most likely really enjoy the show.

You may as well give everything she's involved with a miss, she's obviously not your cup of tea so of course you don't enjoy the show.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


This sums it up perfectly for me. The first half was SO slow, but I enjoyed the back half. And I loved anything and everything Titus.

Trolls Need Not Apply

