AND CO-DIRECTING WITH BRUCE STRALEY??? This will be better than all 3 Uncharted's combined.

I'm glad Amy Henning left NaughtyDog, because now the director and writer of The Last of Us are taking over.


It looks absolutely fantastic so far from the short trailer, and also looks a lot darker than any of them. I kind of hope Druckmann has the balls to kill off Drake and end the Uncharted series before it takes a dip in quality


WOAH slow down there. I don't want Drake to die, but I do hope this one is a lot darker. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 uncharted games, but I think the last one should be darker, and less comical.

I love what Amy did with the franchise but for this installment it seems so right to have Druckmann in charge.


I don't want Drake to die either but if they keep him alive then there's going to great temptation to make a fifth, and eventually they won't be able to make the games as good as they were. See Call of Duty as a case study.

I'd rather them have a definitive end rather than ending it because fans don't want anymore
