
It is so sad this game is for ps4 and i have no plans to buy a new playstation. Does anyone know if they will make for ps3 too ????


Doubtful, Sony wants to have some good quality exclusives made for the PS4 so they can entice people to buy it.


I was wondering the same thing. I wish they would release it on PS3 cause there are a lot of loyal fans who have spent their hard earned money on the first 3 (such as me, owning all of them). It's a shame they'd cut us fans off. Not everyone can afford a brand new game system. I'll get a PS4 eventually, but not anytime soon. Most likely when I get my tax return. But anyways, yeah I would love for a PS3 version. But we all know it's gonna be a PS4 exclusive. I also want to get The Last Of Us Remastered for PS4. That game is incredible as well if you haven't played it. Another Naughty Dog masterpiece.


No sense gimping the game so they can release it on the old consoles. This game won't be out until the end of 2015 at the earliest anyway, plenty of time to get a PS4.


Loyal fans buy PS4 :)


No, it will be a PS4 exclusive. Which isn't a problem for me because I got a PS4 :)




You be missing out on a great game and I got PS4 during black Friday got the uncharted collection bundle

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Get a frikkin job and save up for a ps4 you lazy twat. People like you are the reason next gen is being hold back. Ps3 is 10 years old...
