Im surprised

That other console fanboys arent downvoting this game like they are on metacritic. 10.0 with 500 votes is brilliant


Can't denie this game


I have a grudge against the xbox and I actually never played on a single one of them.
I own the ps2 through 4 so I'm probably a "ps fanboy".

My grudge against xbox is solely based on the fact that microsoft created this console. I will never forgive Microsoft for unleashing windows upon the world.

But that doesn't mean that I think every xbox game is terrible. I really would've liked to play Halo or Gears of Wars.

But alas thanks to my ridiculous principle I never will..

And let's be honest: Uncharted 4 is beautiful. I saw a review online of someone claiming that uncharted 4 is a dissapointment: no one and I mean absolutely no one agreed with this douchebag in the reactions.


Hep robably was a fanboy who never played the game either and was just lying to make the game seem bad. But its so far an absolute masterpiece
