MovieChat Forums > Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016) Discussion > Nathan Fillion needs to play Nathan Drak...

Nathan Fillion needs to play Nathan Drake in a uncharted movie.

Nathan Drake was modeled after Nathan Fillion. I'm surprised they didn't get Fillion to voice act for Nathan Drake. He'd have to get in shape to pull it off but it can happen. Since uncharted 4 takes place years later and Nathan Drake is in his early 40's by then. Fillion isn't top old yet to pull it off.


Nathan is about 38 in Uncharted 4, thus late 40s, early 50's in the epilogue, based on the appearance of his daughter. I personally think they should get Nolan North to play him in any movie. He and Fillion are the same age, so if it's a choice, who better than Nathan Drake himself to play him in the movie?


Nathan Drake was modeled after Nathan Fillion.

Loads of people say this - but is there actually any record of ND officially confirming that. Because tbh, I have never seen the exact resemblance. (Ironically I think a closer actor to his appearance is a younger David Boreanaz.) Surely ND designed Nathan with prominence to Nolan North anyway?

If they ever made an Uncharted movie, I could see Liam Hemsworth as a probable casting choice.


I can definitely see that in fact Nate and Castle have similarities in personality, but definitely see Firefly/Serenity Fillon.


Yes. Watch Firefly! That's basically Nathan Drake in space.


Actually, nobody needs to play Nathan Drake because there shouldn't be an Uncharted movie. It's a great game series lets just be happy with that. I can't be the only one sick of terrible game-to-movie adaptations. It's a trend I've grown up with since the mid-90s. Wish Hollywood would get the point. Games-to-movies doesn't work. Assassin's Creed is the next flop.


Sorry, but he wasn't modelled after Nathan Fillion. Yes there is a resemblance there but it is coincidence only.

Nathan Drake was always modelled after his voice actor Nolan North, because the video game was done in CGI motion capture. Same reason why Elena looks like her voice actress, and Sully the same.
