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Academy Award Winner Mark Boal to Draft Uncharted Script



Happy to hear about this. I'm ecstatic that they're making an Uncharted movie at last and Uwe Boll is not directing it! My only concern is the casting-same as everyone else. My vote is for Karl Urban though it's never gonna happen.


yeasame here that cast of Mark Wahlberg as Nathan made me angry, if they are going by the exact look from game to screen then Karl Urban while a good actor I wouldn't pick.

I would pick either Gerard Butler, Bradley Cooper, Nathan Fillion well maybe 7 years ago,

I can't wait for this game,I'm getting a PS4 in a month or so due to it now at a reasonable price I can afford do you have a PS4?


IMO Bradley Cooper and Gerald Butler are too old. Cooper is the better off the two (Gerald has zero charisma and is quickly approaching 50.)

Brett Dalton -


DJ Cotrona -

Are my two picks. They both have the look, young enough for a franchise and are good actors who can pull off the cocky/badass while still being charming, which Nate does so well. They also have a fan base of their own, from the Netflix crowd which could help the film.

I also think, Rupert Friend and Jake Gyllenhaal would do a good job. Jake would have that star power the studio would most likely want, though I'd prefer a lesser known actor in the part, which would allow a lower budget and less studio interference.

I think early/mid 30s is best. That way you could get a solid trilogy out of them. If you start with a 40+ Drake out of the bat, then that's going to limit things, as that would put Sully at almost 70.

Drake was mid to late 20s in Drake's Fortune. As Sony were looking at Pratt, I'm pretty sure they're looking for someone in mid 30s.

If they're wanting to go younger Robbie Amell could definitely pull it off.


Eddie McClintock, looks like drake and sounds like drake and has good comdic timing.

And, this may sound cliche, but Chris Pratt.


One thing saying Gerald has zero charisma but saying is quickly approaching 50 is just absurd.....That is like saying a 6 year old is approaching 10 which is obviously not true

While Brett Dalton is a good actor and would be good as Nate, He doesn't have the right hair and eye colour but he could use contacts I suppose

As for DJ Cotrona again he has wrong hair and eye colour along with the chin

Rupert Friend has a weird looking face so that wouldn't make sense

As for Jake he looks nothing like Nate- It is a shame Nathan Fillion could of done it back in 2007 when he was in his 30's

Now Robbie Amell I agree with- He would just have to dye his hair brown, Yea I think going for a Drake in his early/mid 30's makes sense


He'll be 47 in November of this year. And he wears his age on his face. Nothing wrong with that, but he definitely looks every bit of his age. As do the more popular picks, Nolan North and Nathan Fillion - both 45 btw.

Nathan Drake is hovering around 31 in Drake's Fortune. Sully's in his mid-fifties and people keep pushing for actors in their sixties (Liam Neeson) or seventies (Harrison Ford and Tom Selleck).

I'll never get that.

You know who'd be a good fit for a character from Uncharted? Emily Rose. Close to Elena's age. Looks something like Elena. Certainly sounds like Elena. Plays Elena in motion capture.

She certainly talks the talk and walks the walk. So do you think anybody's lining up to draft Emily to play Elena?

Nope they're too busy pushing for a fifty-year old Nate and a seventy-year old Sully.


As long as Druckmann has absolutely zero say, it's all good.

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


Why what would be wrong with Druckmann being a part of it, He has worked on many classic games!!


Sure, if you want a story full of pathetic, testosterone deficient herbivore males, he's great. Myself, I like my action hero males to actually have balls.

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


Pay no attention to our friend mikekaraoke23 here. He's been all over this place complaining about Druckmann's feminism. Nevermind the fantastic story that Druckmann and the rest of the crew created, the splendor of this game. Nate was beat in a fight by a female, therefore Nate no longer qualifies as a total badass, has no balls, and Druckmann sucks at creating games.
Oh, wait, except Nate is still the same badass that he's always been, and a highly-trained girl coming out on top of the fight could never change that.
mikekaraoke23 is just bitter.
Druckmann and the rest of the team did a fantastic job creating this game, and if none of the Naughty Dog crew gets to work on the movie, it will be a complete shame.


He's been all over this place complaining about Druckmann's feminism.

That is a lie what have you been smoking, He didn't get beat by a girl as he did defend himself and didn't get killed did he or give up for that matter

Oh, wait, except Nate is still the same badass that he's always been, and a highly-trained girl coming out on top of the fight could never change that.
mikekaraoke23 is just bitter.

This is very confusing you keep changing your mind about stuff, And how exactly am I bitter??

Then you say:Druckmann and the rest of the team did a fantastic job creating this game, and if none of the Naughty Dog crew gets to work on the movie, it will be a complete shame.

What are you chatting about you have gone mad-Bonkers
