Anyone miss the monsters?

I kinda miss the formula of the first two games where there was a monster/creature that came into the game near the end as the mystery unfolded. The ones in the first game still give me the creeps. Uncharted 3 sort of had this element (spiders, ghost rider hullucinations) but not really. And 4 just flat out had nothing of the sort. This is why 3 and 4 felt a little anticlimactic to me I think (though I still love them, just not as much as the first two).


No, it shouldn't be tied down to those kind of rules, 3 tried to shoehorn it in but it pretty much served no sense to the overall plot.

1 and 2 did it perfectly where they foreshadowed it long before the reveal, 3 was very lazy.


I actually liked the fact that they didn't include anything supernatural. The guardians of Shambala just felt off in relation to the rest of the game. The cursed soldiers from the first game did as well, although not as much. The Ghost Rider enemies from the third one didn't make sense at all. Though they were only around during Nate's hallucinations they still felt like they didn't fit into the world of Uncharted.
