MovieChat Forums > Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016) Discussion > SPOILERS!!! For those who've not complet...

SPOILERS!!! For those who've not completed it...

First off amazing game, very emotional story driven. But anyone dissapointed that there's no supernatural element to the game? I mean they joke about Nate dealing with cursed treasure before and even joke about Ghost Pirates but there was nothing. Look at the aftermath of the civil war that broke out at Libertalia was souly based on greed, really? REALLY??? I think it would have been cool if among all that plunder brought back by many pirates was an cured artifact with immense power that while left in a populated area for an extended period dead on people's negative energy, causing a greed and lust for treasure which then lead to paranoia and the will to commit such brutal acts seen in the ruins of a once thriving community. After this the island became hunted with the damned (hostile) spirits of Libertalia and the cured item the source of it. Ghost pirates would of been awesome IMO, The absence of a supernatural element of this finale of the series makes the last installment fell incomplete. And for that it loses a point.

Final score 9/10


No.. i always feel like those parts were out of place


As a long time Tomb Raider fan I've always liked the supernatural aspects of these games, particularly Uncharted. I was looking forward to it in this game especially with the next-gen post Last of Us graphics & gameplay. However it seems to not be a popular aspect of the game, many people tend to not like it, not sure why, too scared maybe? JK. I think in the pirate theme it could have worked, but probably might have stepped on Pirates of the Caribbean too much.

That and the lack of "Uncharted 2's interactive gameplay". Where you think you're just walking from A to B but then things go crazy and there's several quicktime like events, like the tank, the helicopter, buildings collapsing etc. This game had a lot of that too but I thought Uncharted 4 would be like Uncharted 2 vs Uncharted 1. Also distractions, I like playing stealth, but there was no option to distract enemies or get them to check a certain area etc.

The last thing I'd say I missed was a stronger female lead. Elena was a badass but she did not rock up till the end. Chloe should have been in this game too. I think since The Last of Us had a great female lead so I kind of expected it in this game. Nadine was a bit too 2-dimensional.


Agreed. For me 3 thing's could have made this a 10/10 for me.

1. Supernatural element e.g. Ghost Pirates like from The Fog

2. More Rafe. It's a long game, he's an awesome villain, he had little screen time.

3. More big jaw dropping action sequences spread through out e.g. underwater sequence where Nate has to navigate through a ship wreckage while being stalked by a big ass shark. Another vehicle chase but on the island envoling the Jeep Elena stole evading an attack helicopter. More badass scenes like that would have been great, it is quite a long game after all.


mythic sea creatures

I honestly think that would have been so stupid. When such clear effort was put into basing the game within a genuine human-drama with substance. Suddenly a massive Kraken appears? No thanks. I always thought the supernatural elements were the weakest part of the series.

More big jaw dropping action sequences

They had already perfected the action set-pieces in previous games.
Nothing could equal the train journey in U2, but in U3 you could tell they were constantly trying (unsuccessfully) to out-do it. Here they were more concentrated on open game-play, and I think it added more to the overall quality. The level of world-building was spectacular, the tiniest details within massive realistic environments. There were still many epic moments. The clock tower, car chase, boat race to the island, treasury building collapse, etc. I don't think any more were necessary.

More Rafe.

I do agree with this. Would have liked to see him more often, especially towards the end.


Those additions would made the game a 10 for sure. The game to me was a bore which is why I gave it a 6. The graphics, story, acting were top notch. Unfortunately there was very little gameplay and bland crates


I disagree. The writing was incredibly strong and had a more grounded, mature, and realistic feeling. I preferred it that way.


I thought about that too, but I actually think that it only worked well in the first and second game.

It was more interesting to follow Avery and Tews journey and find out that they were simply driven mad by their greed and it crumbled their entire "pyrate utopia".

Fighting monsters had no narrative place in this.


Absolutely not.
I was very relieved that no supernatural elements were shoehorned into the plot.
Random ghost-pirates would have been out of place with the tone of this game.
It was a new Uncharted - Grounded and Mature.

By far the most accomplished narrative in the series and visually stunning.
Again proves Naughty Dog to be the greatest game developers in the world.
It didn't approach the level of 'The Last of Us' though (but nothing could.)


For me, I feel like it's about equal to TLOU (one of my favourite games of all time). The whole time I was playing it, I could tell it was written and directed by the same people. It's a different experience from the previous three games.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


Not having Rafe in the game more often was my only problem with the story. Seemed like a good villain and he had history with Nathan, Sam and Sully. I think that should've been explored further. Other than that, no complaints at all. Really happy they didn't go all super natural again.


I'm glad they left it out honestly. I didn't need any supernatural elements in my opinion.


I actually didn't like the supernatural elements in these games, for me, they felt out of place, and I was glad they didn't use any for number 4.


What was the supernatural element in the other games? I thought they were all somewhat explained - UC1 wasn't it bacteria from the coffin that caused the people to become zombies - UC2 was caused by an unknown element from that tree in the lost city - and UC3 was mind altering drugs.

I agree this game missed something like that. I felt it was coming when you were in the caves with the exploding mummies and the skeleton parts hanging in the different sections of the caves. But compared to the other games I am not sure what that twist would have been. Ghosts would not fit in with what the other games had. It would have to be some unknown natural cause.

However this game was still awesome. It had some excellent acting and epic action sequences. The story with all the pirates was very well done.


Now that I think about it, I think a good "twist" would have been to have a native people living on the island that could be related to the pirates, and maybe have them be a little insane. They could have been in the background playing tricks on us and at first we would think they were ghosts and provide some scary moments where we do not know what is going on, but then perhaps later find out it is natives protecting the treasure and have a big battle between mercs and natives and Drake and Rafe.


They could have been in the background playing tricks on us and at first we would think they were ghosts and provide some scary moments where we do not know what is going onquote

And they would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids...

haha but seriously I really like this idea!


Awesome idea dude. That would have been great to see!
