oh damn!

oh *beep* i love josh stewart, I'm looking forward to this, and i loved the collector films, yay


I'm not entirely sure whether it's due to the way this film was marketed, or if it's just due to fans of "The Collector" movies taking this idea and running with it..

Either way, IMO, it's the reason why so many who've seen this new movie are coming away extremely let down, and disappointed.. This movie is nothing, at all, similar to "The Collector" movies..it's in a totally different ball field in nearly every aspect..from the budget..to the script/plot.. to the content..etc..etc..etc.. as the list goes on and on.

I truly believe if more people went into this movie with the correct mindset, rather than the incorrect, misinformed, misunderstood mindset of it being a film similar to "The Collector", well, IMO, many more people would find themselves NOT being so let down and disappointed.
