MovieChat Forums > Annabelle (2014) Discussion > Too possessed looking from the beginning

Too possessed looking from the beginning

I am a big fan of horror movies, especially those which are based upon true stories.

Now, the real Annabelle is a Raggedy Ann doll. I would think facing a possessed Raggedy Ann would be more terrifying than the "looks like Jack Nicholson from the first scene of The Shining" Annabelle doll in the movie.

Regardless of how "cute" the back story may be, the doll looks like it came pre-possessed.


I was literally just talking about this moments ago. I am a fan of this film, but I've always taken issue with the look of the doll. If my significant other "lovingly" gifted me this hideous, possessed looking doll, a divorce would be in order


Haha. It does look pretty evil.

