Scariest movie ever?

seriously, the only thing that could've made it scarier for me is if the demon had Captain Howdy's face from The Exorcist. This movie was just completely in your face with the scares and wasted no time getting to them. Your thoughts?



TEAM KELLERMAN - When they come for us, we're going to take as many of them with us as we can!


it did its job.
scared the *beep* out of us.


Wow. What was the scariest movie you'd seen before this one, Toy Story?


the scene where the toys scare Andy's neighbor is freaky as hell
but seriosly,
this movie had some top notch scares.
the ending was pretty flat though



"Light up the darkness..."


Are you serious?!? How is Toy Story scary? Did you meant Toy Story 3? Now THAT, was scary.


I hope you're just trolling.


Annabelle (2014).
When i got home after seeing this I went outside and turned the outside light on. Projected on the fence was a huge shadow of a moth, and it turned out to be as big as a bottlecap.
That was more scary than this clichéd piece of crap.
4/10 I legitimately yelled "THAT WAS *beep* when the credits rolled.


Glad I didn't see this in the same theater as you.


I honestly do not think that I've ever been so bored throughout a theatrically, wide released horror movie in my life.

Had no great expectations for this movie and yet it still was just a total disappointment on every single level!

Yea, horror movie fans are by far the "hardest critique-ers" of their preferred genre, but this...this just sucked and was a true, worthless waste, plain and simple.


the story line and movie direction for annabelle was far from boring mate.
the director learned a lot from James Wan, and it delivered suspense when the movie needed it.

btw, did you watch deliver us from evil?


Posted by johnnybravophone-dy » Sun Oct 12 2014 21:00:43
IMDb member since January 2014
Post Edited: Sun Oct 12 2014 21:02:10
the story line and movie direction for annabelle was far from boring mate.
the director learned a lot from James Wan, and it delivered suspense when the movie needed it.

btw, did you watch deliver us from evil

lol..yes, I did watch "Deliver us from Evil", and I'm chuckling because I have a feeling that whereas my opinion is that Annabelle was a bore fest, and on the other hand your opinion is that Annabelle delivered on the suspense and fright..yet, I personally loved "Deliver us from evil" and thought it delivered well, but I have a feeling that your opinion is once again the complete opposite of

If so, then it only goes to show that the good old saying, "to each their own" could not be more appropriate and true for all of us, horror movie fans, in regards to what we like/dislike, enjoy or are disappointed, etc, etc...

I may be completely wrong in my presumption above regarding "Deliver us from evil", and if so my apologies for misunderstanding:) Either way, one things for certain in you and I having differing opinions on the movie, "Annabelle" hey, I am definitely one who believes that this world would be one helluva boring place if we all had the same opinions, likes, etc.. So, I welcome all opinions regardless of whether they happen to be similar to my own, or are completely different than my own.

To each their own:)


I thought it was good. Not the scariest movie ever, but it sure had it's creepy/eerie moments.


I didn't find this movie at all scary, but it wasn't terrible, it was just a doll that gets thrown around and gets lifted up on the ground... that's pretty silly.. the ending was pretty anti climactic as well... deflating really...



The movie was simply not scary. It was not that original either. I have watched ten or more horror movies with "evil dolls". It was also fairly predictable. I was quite certain that the demon was not after the baby's soul but that of the mother. At first I thought the black woman was evil, but after that was proved wrong and I heard her background story, I also guessed correctly that ultimately she would make the sacrifice for them.

There were few genuine scary moments in the film, and it instead relied on jump scares and ear-piercing sounds - and on the last I have to say that the movie was really LOUD. Even when I saw the jump scenes well coming well in advance, the "scary" music and sounds were so loud that I wanted to cover my ears. Viewers of the film should be warned and be equipped with earplugs!


could you tell me exactly which and how many jump scares you remember?

I remember one, and it was very well executed.
it was the one when the neighbors get slashed and you see the action POV

there was another one that made you think the books would fall over the baby, but instead the doll appears. i wouldnt have predicted that if i had not seen the trailer.

and neither of these two were forced in or lame, they were in fact creative. nothing like jump scares seen in "deliver us from evil"


Definitely not.
