Ugliest doll ever

I don't care if someone collects dolls...who, in their sane and right mind, would think to purchase this hideously ugly and creepy doll for someone they supposedly love and think to themselves, "this is a really good idea!" I don't get it. I would have lit a match to that thing in the antique/gift store. Problem solved.


Yeah, the doll couldn't be more creepy and grotesque if they tried. I was laughing when he gave her that gift and she was all touched and in awe. Come on, some subtlety, the viewers aren't idiots.


I disagree. If they had really tried, they could have made it more creepy and grotesque by giving it an exposed breast with a Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" nipple piercing, and maybe a string that when you pull it, it makes inappropriate and unfunny jokes about rape. Maybe swastikas on its dress.

This movie is ripe for parody. You know that reaction you give when you open up a bathroom door and get slapped in the face by the strong odor? THAT'S the reaction she should have given to opening up the box and finding this terrible doll inside, not the "gee whiz I've been looking for one of these my whole life" reaction that she gave.

And why didn't the husband react with, "What's wrong with you that you desperately wanted one of these gnarly, grimacing dolls?"

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld


You know that reaction you give when you open up a bathroom door and get slapped in the face by the strong odor?

It's the same reaction I give whenever I read any of your posts.

☕Death before decaf.☕


Hahahahaha!!! YES! I was thinking the exact same thing. What in the hell is wrong with BOTH of these people, that neither one comments on how hideous and creepy this doll is??


The funny thing is, Mezo did an Annabell Living Dead Doll version and it's actually way, way cuter than the 'original'.


I thought she was cute but then again, I have the Chucky & Tiffany dolls but I thought Annabelle was cute.



It looks like a doll that's supposed to be creepy like those "Living Dead Dolls" rather than a doll that isn't. Terribly done by the art department.

If you look at the old Victorian dolls the things that make them look creepy is that they weren't MEANT to be.

Ugh - this movie sucks in so many different ways.


This ^

I think that the writer intended this to look like a more normal doll. I mean, the doll that it's based on is a Raggedy Ann, which isn't the most calming doll ever, but isn'tgrimacing like a Halloween mask. But the doll in the actual movie is just way too ghastly for the dialogue.

11... 92... 12...


I thought it probably put a spell on people to take it in.


Annabelle is a creepy looking doll, but no doll will ever be uglier/scarier than the zuni doll from Trilogy of Terror.



no doll will ever be uglier/scarier than the zuni doll from Trilogy of Terror.

Ah, someone who knows what they're talking about!

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


I quite enjoyed the film overall but the doll was exceptionally hideous. I realised they were stuck with the design because it was in the Conjuring but it was silly then and daft as a brush now.


It was ridiculous that we were supposed to believe anyone would buy that thing to put in a bedroom - it looked like a Halloween decoration and wasn't convincing at all as a genuine antique doll, it was so obviously creepy looking on purpose that it took away the actual creepiness of it - real old scary porcelain dolls weren't made to look scary on purpose, that's why they're scary.


That's the point. And the other dolls she had were pretty creepy too. My mother collects porcelain dolls and they freak me out lol



The real doll was a Ragedy Anne.They were NOT rare nor cute!


Raggedy Ann is cute.

Love means never having to say you're ugly. - The Abominable Dr. Phibes
