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Will Smith's attempt at being a relevant actor

Here comes Will Smith's attempt at staying relevant.

It won't work.

Maybe he should have spent less time trying to force his untalented stupid looking kids on the world and stayed focused as an actor.

Dr. Who is to entertainment what Special Olympics is to athleticism.


Obviously he's no longer in his prime but he's still relevant. Most of the 90s movie stars have faded.


Will smith is a talentless hack, he plays the same kookaboo buffoon in every role.

Virgins. I love em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pussy, no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure!


Talentless hack? Are you high?


He's awful. Are you dumb? How the hell do you not know what a hack is? Will Smith is the epitome of the word hack. He's a shyt one note actor who's been living off franchises that would have been hits without him or his "talent"  and when he tries to deviate from those popcorn trash films that utilize his non-threatening, hip, black guy with universal appeal, he falls way short of what it takes to be a decent actor.

Pursuit of Happyness
I Am Legend

Give me a fricken break.


Seriously, you and the OP clearly wouldn't know good acting if it smacked you both upside the head, And you're obviously never seen any of Smith's good films where he gives some good performances, such as FOCUS,ENEMY OF THE STATE and LAST MAN ON EARTH. And why even bring the Smith kids up? What a stupid thing to say. At least they aren't all over the damn media every fckn day hyping themselves to death like those damn talentless Kardashians (whom I am past sick of by now) constantly are. My point being, you like Smith,fine, but why even drag his kids into a discussion that isn't even about them? He's still very much relevant because he's still a dependable box office hit maker. Considering how long he's been around, that's saying a hell of a lot.


What's it's like to be so alone in your opinions?

Don't like what I'm saying? Then call 1800-Ima-CryBaby and ask for Waaaaaa.


I wouldn't say he's relevant. What's the last film he had that was a hit? How many years has it been? MIB3 came out 3 years ago. He seems to refuse to take minor roles or non-lead roles to his own detriment.


You're on IMDb, are his recent movies really so difficult to find? It's less than five clicks away.


Too much work


Have you seen Pursuit of Happiness ?
