MovieChat Forums > The Nightmare (2015) Discussion > Wow nobody realizes this is Astral proje...

Wow nobody realizes this is Astral projection?

Amazing how nobody explains that this is the actual start of Astral Projection and none of what the sleeper experiences is ANYTHING but what they project into Consciousness with them. It is a very strange documentary in that it never goes into the darkness to show what it actually is equals a positive aspect of Conscious ascension = Astral Projection. After being a lucid dreamer and astral projector for 40 years I understand what sleep paralysis is.

It is the body going into a "low energy" mode while the Spirit travels. This is done so the body does not accidentally move or hurt itself while the sleeper is expanding Consciousness in the astral dimension. The paralysis happens when the Spirit has not exactly slotted back into the physical body 100% and thus the blurring line between physical and astral dimensions become clouded.


Not to be rude, but this film, I felt, was going for something at least semi-explainable by science.
If they drag in astral projection, they would have lost me (and presumably a lot of other viewers) by dragging in new-age religion that isn't supported by any fact or study.



Actually, one of the interviewees DID come to the conclusion that it must be astral projection, but I kinda disagree. Don't you have to PREPARE yourself for astral projecting/lucid dreaming with certain techniques beforehand (sometimes it can take months), as it is something you do INTENTIONALLY? I doubt these sufferers want to experience these dreams that are happening to them, plus none of them were really traveling to other places; the ominous travelers were coming to THEM.

ATTN: Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!


I have had lucid dreams without trying or knowing how... or even knowing what they were at that time.
Love your signature, by the way. I love discussing my Christian values on the /d/ board.


What's the difference between astral projection and sleep paralysis? can they exist together? You're making it seem like sleep paralysis isn't a thing and it is. Most people, especially those who participate in astral projection, do not experience demonic or evil instances in those experiences. Sleep paralysis IS NOT the same as astral projection at all.


Sleep paralysis is sleep paralysis, Astral projection uses the mind awake/body asleep for people to leave their body, such myself. I've done it through sleep paralysis, but the correct way is to able to meditate into a trance state similar to sleep paralysis.


In my experience, the one massive difference between the two is having control. In astral projection, even if my mind spews out the worst stuff it can create, I can fight it or escape it. On a good night, I can even make it disappear. Sleep paralysis on the other hand is the complete loss of control and the inability to leave my bed while my body gets crushed.
